#2022 #neilmadden
CVE-2022-21449: Psychic Signatures in Java
CVE-2022-21449: Psychic Signatures in Java
The long-running BBC sci-fi show Doctor Who has a recurring plot device where the Doctor manages to get out of trouble by showing an identity card which is actually completely blank. Of course, this being Doctor Who, the card is really made out of a special "psychic paper", which causes the person looking at it…
CVE-2022-21449: Psychic Signatures in Java
CVE-2022-21449: Psychic Signatures in Java
CVE-2022-21449: Psychic Signatures in Java
The long-running BBC sci-fi show Doctor Who has a recurring plot device where the Doctor manages to get out of trouble by showing an identity card which is actually completely blank. Of course, this being Doctor Who, the card is really made out of a special "psychic paper", which causes the person looking at it…
CVE-2022-21449: Psychic Signatures in Java
CVE-2022-21449: Psychic Signatures in Java
CVE-2022-21449: Psychic Signatures in Java
The long-running BBC sci-fi show Doctor Who has a recurring plot device where the Doctor manages to get out of trouble by showing an identity card which is actually completely blank. Of course, this being Doctor Who, the card is really made out of a special "psychic paper", which causes the person looking at it…
CVE-2022-21449: Psychic Signatures in Java