Mac systems turned into proxy exit nodes by AdLoad
Mac systems turned into proxy exit nodes by AdLoad
AdLoad malware is still infecting Mac systems years after its first appearance in 2017. AdLoad, a package bundler, has been observed delivering a wide range of payloads throughout its existence. During AT&T Alien Labs’ investigation of its most recent payload, it was discovered that the most common component dropped by AdLoad during the past year has been a proxy application turning MacOS AdLoad victims into a giant, residential proxy botnet.
Mac systems turned into proxy exit nodes by AdLoad
Chinese fraudsters: evading detection and monetizing stolen credit card information
Chinese fraudsters: evading detection and monetizing stolen credit card information
Cyber attacks are common occurrences that often make headlines, but the leakage of personal information, particularly credit card data, can have severe consequences for individuals. It is essential to understand the techniques employed by cyber criminals to steal this sensitive information. Credit card fraud in the United States has been on the rise, with total losses reaching approximately $12.16 billion in 2021, according to Insider Intelligence. Card-Not-Present (CNP) fraud constituted 72% of these losses, with a substantial portion attributed to Chinese fraudsters.
Chinese fraudsters: evading detection and monetizing stolen credit card information
Chinese fraudsters: evading detection and monetizing stolen credit card information
Chinese fraudsters: evading detection and monetizing stolen credit card information
Cyber attacks are common occurrences that often make headlines, but the leakage of personal information, particularly credit card data, can have severe consequences for individuals. It is essential to understand the techniques employed by cyber criminals to steal this sensitive information. Credit card fraud in the United States has been on the rise, with total losses reaching approximately $12.16 billion in 2021, according to Insider Intelligence. Card-Not-Present (CNP) fraud constituted 72% of these losses, with a substantial portion attributed to Chinese fraudsters.
Chinese fraudsters: evading detection and monetizing stolen credit card information