#CHina #China #threat
The hidden network report
The hidden network report
Since February 2024, the World Watch Cyber Threat Intelligence team has been working on an extensive study of the private and public relationships within the Chinese cyber offensive ecosystem. This includes: An online map showcasing the links between 300+ entities; Historical context on the Chinese state entities dedicated to cyber offensive operations; An analysis of the role of universities and private companies in terms of capacity building; A focus on the ecosystem facilitating the acquisition of vulnerabilities for government use in cyber espionage campaigns.
The hidden network report
As Threats in Space Mount, U.S. Lags in Protecting Key Services
As Threats in Space Mount, U.S. Lags in Protecting Key Services
The United States and China are locked in a new race, in space and on Earth, over a fundamental resource: time itself. And the United States is losing. Global positioning satellites serve as clocks in the sky, and their signals have become fundamental to the global economy — as essential for telecommunications, 911 services and financial exchanges as they are for drivers and lost pedestrians.
As Threats in Space Mount, U.S. Lags in Protecting Key Services