#DDoS #cyberwar #EN #datawiping
Second data wiper attack hits Ukraine computer networks
Second data wiper attack hits Ukraine computer networks
Two cybersecurity firms with a strong business presence in Ukraine—ESET and Broadcom’s Symantec—have reported tonight that computer networks in the country have been hit with a new data-wiping attack. The attack is taking place as Russian military troops have crossed the border and invaded Ukraine’s territory in what Russian President Putin has described as a “peacekeeping” mission.
Second data wiper attack hits Ukraine computer networks
Second data wiper attack hits Ukraine computer networks
Second data wiper attack hits Ukraine computer networks
Two cybersecurity firms with a strong business presence in Ukraine—ESET and Broadcom’s Symantec—have reported tonight that computer networks in the country have been hit with a new data-wiping attack. The attack is taking place as Russian military troops have crossed the border and invaded Ukraine’s territory in what Russian President Putin has described as a “peacekeeping” mission.
Second data wiper attack hits Ukraine computer networks
Second data wiper attack hits Ukraine computer networks
Second data wiper attack hits Ukraine computer networks
Two cybersecurity firms with a strong business presence in Ukraine—ESET and Broadcom’s Symantec—have reported tonight that computer networks in the country have been hit with a new data-wiping attack. The attack is taking place as Russian military troops have crossed the border and invaded Ukraine’s territory in what Russian President Putin has described as a “peacekeeping” mission.
Second data wiper attack hits Ukraine computer networks