Behind the arrest of Telegram boss, a small Paris cybercrime unit with big ambitions
Behind the arrest of Telegram boss, a small Paris cybercrime unit with big ambitions
  • Durov's arrest marks a shift in dealing with tech chiefs Brousse's unit goes after its biggest ever target Legal experts question the prosecution's argument The investigation into Telegram boss Pavel Durov that has fired a warning shot to global tech titans was started by a small cybercrime unit within the Paris prosecutor's office, led by 38-year-old Johanna Brousse. The arrest of Durov, 39, last Saturday marks a significant shift in how some global authorities may seek to deal with tech chiefs reluctant to police illegal content on their platforms. The arrest signalled the mettle of the J3 cybercrime unit, but the true test of its ambitions will be whether Brousse can secure a conviction based on a largely untested legal argument, lawyers said.
Behind the arrest of Telegram boss, a small Paris cybercrime unit with big ambitions
Threat Actors Retaliate After Durov’s Arrest
Threat Actors Retaliate After Durov’s Arrest
Threat Actors Retaliate After Durov’s Arrest Discover the latest security threats and database leaks, including unauthorized VPN access and email breaches, in the cyber underground world.Stay informed about emerging cyber threats, such as unauthorized access to databases and sensitive information leaks, affecting global companies and organizations.Learn about the latest cyber incidents, including DDoS attacks and malware threats targeting cryptocurrency wallets and financial institutions.
Threat Actors Retaliate After Durov’s Arrest