#EN #attack #script
Government and university websites targeted in ScriptAPI[.]dev client-side attack - c/side
Government and university websites targeted in ScriptAPI[.]dev client-side attack - c/side
Yesterday we discovered another client-side JavaScript attack targeting +500 websites, including governments and universities. The injected scripts create hidden links in the Document Object Model (DOM), pointing to external websites, a programming interface for web documents.
Government and university websites targeted in ScriptAPI[.]dev client-side attack - c/side
research!rsc: The xz attack shell script
research!rsc: The xz attack shell script
Andres Freund published the existence of the xz attack on 2024-03-29 to the public oss-security@openwall mailing list. The day before, he alerted Debian security and the (private) distros@openwall list. In his mail, he says that he dug into this after “observing a few odd symptoms around liblzma (part of the xz package) on Debian sid installations over the last weeks (logins with ssh taking a lot of CPU, valgrind errors).” At a high level, the attack is split in two pieces: a shell script and an object file. There is an injection of shell code during configure, which injects the shell code into make. The shell code during make adds the object file to the build. This post examines the shell script. (See also my timeline post.)
research!rsc: The xz attack shell script