#EN #thehackernews #PRODAFT
TA505 Hackers Using TeslaGun Panel to Manage ServHelper Backdoor Attacks
TA505 Hackers Using TeslaGun Panel to Manage ServHelper Backdoor Attacks
Cybersecurity researchers have offered insight into a previously undocumented software control panel used by a financially motivated threat group known as TA505. "The group frequently changes its malware attack strategies in response to global cybercrime trends," Swiss cybersecurity firm PRODAFT said in a report shared with The Hacker News. "It opportunistically adopts new technologies in order to gain leverage over victims before the wider cybersecurity industry catches on."
TA505 Hackers Using TeslaGun Panel to Manage ServHelper Backdoor Attacks
TA505 Hackers Using TeslaGun Panel to Manage ServHelper Backdoor Attacks
TA505 Hackers Using TeslaGun Panel to Manage ServHelper Backdoor Attacks
Cybersecurity researchers have offered insight into a previously undocumented software control panel used by a financially motivated threat group known as TA505. "The group frequently changes its malware attack strategies in response to global cybercrime trends," Swiss cybersecurity firm PRODAFT said in a report shared with The Hacker News. "It opportunistically adopts new technologies in order to gain leverage over victims before the wider cybersecurity industry catches on."
TA505 Hackers Using TeslaGun Panel to Manage ServHelper Backdoor Attacks