#europol #EN #Ransomware #2023
Ragnar Locker ransomware gang taken down by international police swoop
Ragnar Locker ransomware gang taken down by international police swoop
This action, coordinated at international level by Europol and Eurojust, targeted the Ragnar Locker ransomware group. The group were responsible for numerous high-profile attacks against critical infrastructure across the world. In an action carried out between 16 and 20 October, searches were conducted in Czechia, Spain and Latvia. The “key target” of this malicious ransomware strain was arrested in Paris,...
Ragnar Locker ransomware gang taken down by international police swoop
Germany and Ukraine hit two high-value ransomware targets
Germany and Ukraine hit two high-value ransomware targets
This ransomware appeared in 2019, when cybercriminals started using it to launch attacks against organisations and critical infrastructure and industries. Based on the BitPaymer ransomware and part of the Dridex malware family, DoppelPaymer used a unique tool capable of compromising defence mechanisms by terminating the security-related process of the attacked systems. The DoppelPaymer attacks were enabled by the prolific EMOTET...
Germany and Ukraine hit two high-value ransomware targets
Cybercriminals stung as HIVE infrastructure shut down
Cybercriminals stung as HIVE infrastructure shut down
In the last year, HIVE ransomware has been identified as a major threat as it has been used to compromise and encrypt the data and computer systems of large IT and oil multinationals in the EU and the USA. Since June 2021, over 1 500 companies from over 80 countries worldwide have fallen victim to HIVE associates and lost almost...
Cybercriminals stung as HIVE infrastructure shut down
Germany and Ukraine hit two high-value ransomware targets
Germany and Ukraine hit two high-value ransomware targets
This ransomware appeared in 2019, when cybercriminals started using it to launch attacks against organisations and critical infrastructure and industries. Based on the BitPaymer ransomware and part of the Dridex malware family, DoppelPaymer used a unique tool capable of compromising defence mechanisms by terminating the security-related process of the attacked systems. The DoppelPaymer attacks were enabled by the prolific EMOTET...
Germany and Ukraine hit two high-value ransomware targets
Cybercriminals stung as HIVE infrastructure shut down
Cybercriminals stung as HIVE infrastructure shut down
In the last year, HIVE ransomware has been identified as a major threat as it has been used to compromise and encrypt the data and computer systems of large IT and oil multinationals in the EU and the USA. Since June 2021, over 1 500 companies from over 80 countries worldwide have fallen victim to HIVE associates and lost almost...
Cybercriminals stung as HIVE infrastructure shut down