Troy Hunt: Inside the "3 Billion People" National Public Data Breach
Troy Hunt: Inside the "3 Billion People" National Public Data Breach
I decided to write this post because there's no concise way to explain the nuances of what's being described as one of the largest data breaches ever. Usually, it's easy to articulate a data breach; a service people provide their information to had someone snag it through an act of unauthorised access and publish a discrete corpus of information that can be attributed back to that source. But in the case of National Public Data, we're talking about a data aggregator most people had never heard of where a "threat actor" has published various partial sets of data with no clear way to attribute it back to the source. And they're already the subject of a class action, to add yet another variable into the mix. I've been collating information related to this incident over the last couple of months, so let me talk about what's known about the incident, what data is circulating and what remains a bit of a mystery.
Troy Hunt: Inside the "3 Billion People" National Public Data Breach
Telegram Combolists and 361M Email Addresses
Telegram Combolists and 361M Email Addresses
Last week, a security researcher sent me 122GB of data scraped out of thousands of Telegram channels. It contained 1.7k files with 2B lines and 361M unique email addresses of which 151M had never been seen in HIBP before. Alongside those addresses were passwords and, in many cases, the website the data pertains to. I've loaded it into Have I Been Pwned (HIBP) today because there's a huge amount of previously unseen email addresses and based on all the checks I've done, it's legitimate data. That's the high-level overview, now here are the details:
Telegram Combolists and 361M Email Addresses
Troy Hunt: Operation Endgame
Troy Hunt: Operation Endgame
Today we loaded 16.5M email addresses and 13.5M unique passwords provided by law enforcement agencies into Have I Been Pwned (HIBP) following botnet takedowns in a campaign they've coined Operation Endgame. That link provides an excellent overview so start there then come back to this blog post which
Troy Hunt: Operation Endgame
Troy Hunt: Seized Genesis Market Data is Now Searchable in Have I Been Pwned, Courtesy of the FBI and "Operation Cookie Monster"
Troy Hunt: Seized Genesis Market Data is Now Searchable in Have I Been Pwned, Courtesy of the FBI and "Operation Cookie Monster"
A quick summary first before the details: This week, the FBI in cooperation with international law enforcement partners took down a notorious marketplace trading in stolen identity data in an effort they've named "Operation Cookie Monster". They've provided millions of impacted email addresses and passwords to Have I Been Pwned
Troy Hunt: Seized Genesis Market Data is Now Searchable in Have I Been Pwned, Courtesy of the FBI and "Operation Cookie Monster"
Troy Hunt: Seized Genesis Market Data is Now Searchable in Have I Been Pwned, Courtesy of the FBI and "Operation Cookie Monster"
Troy Hunt: Seized Genesis Market Data is Now Searchable in Have I Been Pwned, Courtesy of the FBI and "Operation Cookie Monster"
A quick summary first before the details: This week, the FBI in cooperation with international law enforcement partners took down a notorious marketplace trading in stolen identity data in an effort they've named "Operation Cookie Monster". They've provided millions of impacted email addresses and passwords to Have I Been Pwned
Troy Hunt: Seized Genesis Market Data is Now Searchable in Have I Been Pwned, Courtesy of the FBI and "Operation Cookie Monster"