Alphv-BlackCat non è più solo darkweb, pubblica anche su Internet "in chiaro"
Alphv-BlackCat non è più solo darkweb, pubblica anche su Internet "in chiaro"
La nuova funzione implementata ieri da BlackCat, esporrà le vittime colpite anche su Internet, con una diffusione più massiccia e pubblica dei dati rubati, con nome di dominio autentico intestato alla vittima stessa
Alphv-BlackCat non è più solo darkweb, pubblica anche su Internet "in chiaro"
Over 18.8 million IPs vulnerable to Middlebox TCP reflection DDoS attacks
Over 18.8 million IPs vulnerable to Middlebox TCP reflection DDoS attacks
We recently began scanning for middlebox devices that are vulnerable to Middlebox TCP reflection, which can be abused for DDoS amplification attacks.  Our results are now shared daily, filtered for your network or constituency in the new Vulnerable DDoS Middlebox report. We uncover over 18,800,000 IPv4 addresses responding to our Middlebox probes. In some cases the amplification rates can exceed 10,000!
Over 18.8 million IPs vulnerable to Middlebox TCP reflection DDoS attacks
Over 3.6 million exposed MySQL servers on IPv4 and IPv6
Over 3.6 million exposed MySQL servers on IPv4 and IPv6
We have recently began scanning for  accessible MySQL server instances on port 3306/TCP.  These are instances that respond to our MySQL connection request with a Server Greeting. Surprisingly to us, we found around 2.3M IPv4 addresses responding with such a greeting to our queries. Even more surprisingly, we found over 1.3M IPv6 devices responding as well (though mostly associated with a single AS). IPv4 and IPv6 scans together uncover 3.6M accessible MySQL servers worldwide.
Over 3.6 million exposed MySQL servers on IPv4 and IPv6