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DSoS attacks statistics and observations
DSoS attacks statistics and observations
he year 2023 turned out to be quite rich in events and trends in the field of cybersecurity. We witnessed a new term "white noise", the development of artificial intelligence led to increased bot activity, which significantly affected commercial companies. We detected signs of a resurgence in popularity of commercial DDoS attacks. The implementation of "remote office" technologies led to the expansion of communication channels and, as a result, increased intensity of attacks. But first things first. DDoS Attacks by Vectors The fourth quarter of the past year didn't bring any surprises in terms of the distribution of mixed attacks by vectors. UDP flood once again topped the list with a rate of 60.20%. IP flood came in second at 16.86%. Multivector attacks also made it into the top three with 13.36%. Overall, the distribution was as follows: UDP flood - 60.20% SYN flood - 7.26% IP flood - 16.86% Multivector attacks - 13.36%
DSoS attacks statistics and observations
Vulnerabilities Year-in-Review: 2023
Vulnerabilities Year-in-Review: 2023
In 2023, threat actors continued to exploit a variety of vulnerabilities — both newly discovered weaknesses and unresolved issues — to carry out sophisticated attacks on global organizations. The number of documented software vulnerabilities continued to rise, and threat actors were quick to capitalize on new vulnerabilities and leverage recent releases of publicly available vulnerability research and exploit code to target entities. However, while there was a high number of vulnerabilities released in the reporting period, only a handful actually were weaponized in attacks. The ones of most interest are those that threat actors use for exploitation. In this report, we’ll analyze the numbers and types of vulnerabilities in 2023 with a view to understanding attack trends and how organizations can better defend themselves.
Vulnerabilities Year-in-Review: 2023
From OneNote to RansomNote: An Ice Cold Intrusion - The DFIR Report
From OneNote to RansomNote: An Ice Cold Intrusion - The DFIR Report
  • In late February 2023, threat actors rode a wave of initial access using Microsoft OneNote files. In this case, we observed a threat actor deliver IcedID using this method. After loading IcedID and establishing persistence, there was no further actions, other than beaconing for over 30 days. The threat actor used Cobalt Strike and AnyDesk to target a file server and a backup server. * The threat actor used FileZilla to exfiltrate data from the network before deploying Nokoyawa ransomware.
From OneNote to RansomNote: An Ice Cold Intrusion - The DFIR Report
Google Online Security Blog: Vulnerability Reward Program: 2023 Year in Review
Google Online Security Blog: Vulnerability Reward Program: 2023 Year in Review
Last year, we again witnessed the power of community-driven security efforts as researchers from around the world contributed to help us identify and address thousands of vulnerabilities in our products and services. Working with our dedicated bug hunter community, we awarded $10 million to our 600+ researchers based in 68 countries.
Google Online Security Blog: Vulnerability Reward Program: 2023 Year in Review
Google Paid Out $10 Million via Bug Bounty Programs in 2023
Google Paid Out $10 Million via Bug Bounty Programs in 2023
Google on Tuesday announced that it paid out a total of $10 million through its bug bounty programs in 2023, bringing the total amount awarded by the tech giant for vulnerabilities found in its products since 2010 to $59 million. The total paid out in 2023 is less than the $12 million handed out in 2022, but it’s still a significant amount. The money was earned last year by 632 researchers from 68 countries. The highest single reward was $113,337.
Google Paid Out $10 Million via Bug Bounty Programs in 2023
Ransomware Hit $1 Billion in 2023
Ransomware Hit $1 Billion in 2023
In 2023, ransomware actors intensified their operations, targeting high-profile institutions and critical infrastructure, including hospitals, schools, and government agencies. Major ransomware supply chain attacks were carried out exploiting the ubiquitous file transfer software MOVEit, impacting companies ranging from the BBC to British Airways. As a result of these attacks and others, ransomware gangs reached an unprecedented milestone, surpassing $1 billion in extorted cryptocurrency payments from victims. Last year’s developments highlight the evolving nature of this cyber threat and its increasing impact on global institutions and security at large.
Ransomware Hit $1 Billion in 2023
Ransomware Cases Increased Greatly in 2023
Ransomware Cases Increased Greatly in 2023
As we move further into 2024, we must be cautious (maybe even fearful!) of ransomware cases increasing even more than in previous years. Though governments around the world are taking more interest in the worldwide threat, we can see from the increase of cases that our actions have not been enough to thwart the ransomware threat. As new groups continue to form, former groups continue to evolve into new brands, and the big players continue to ramp up their efforts, we must remain vigilant and focus on our preparation and early detection capabilities.
Ransomware Cases Increased Greatly in 2023
SEC says X account hack was due to SIM swapping
SEC says X account hack was due to SIM swapping
An “unauthorized party” hijacked the cell phone number of the person running the SEC’s X account before taking over the social media feed and posting messages. In a statement on Monday, an SEC spokesperson explained that two days after the January 9 account takeover, the government agency spoke to its telecom carrier and discovered that someone “obtained control of the SEC cell phone number associated with the account in an apparent ‘SIM swap’ attack.”
SEC says X account hack was due to SIM swapping
Attack of the week: Airdrop tracing – A Few Thoughts on Cryptographic Engineering
Attack of the week: Airdrop tracing – A Few Thoughts on Cryptographic Engineering
It's been a while since I wrote an "attack of the week" post, and the fault for this is entirely mine. I've been much too busy writing boring posts about Schnorr signatures! But this week's news brings an exciting story with both technical and political dimensions: new reports claim that Chinese security agencies have developed…
Attack of the week: Airdrop tracing – A Few Thoughts on Cryptographic Engineering
SharePoint Pre-Auth RCE chain (CVE-2023–29357 & CVE-2023–24955) | STAR Labs
SharePoint Pre-Auth RCE chain (CVE-2023–29357 & CVE-2023–24955) | STAR Labs
Brief I may have achieved successful exploitation of a SharePoint target during Pwn2Own Vancouver 2023. While the live demonstration lasted only approximately 30 seconds, it is noteworthy that the process of discovering and crafting the exploit chain consumed nearly a year of meticulous effort and research to complete the full exploit chain. This exploit chain leverages two vulnerabilities to achieve pre-auth remote code execution (RCE) on the SharePoint server: Authentication Bypass – An unauthenticated attacker can impersonate as any SharePoint user by spoofing valid JSON Web Tokens (JWTs), using the none signing algorithm to subvert signature validation checks when verifying JWT tokens used for OAuth authentication.
SharePoint Pre-Auth RCE chain (CVE-2023–29357 & CVE-2023–24955) | STAR Labs
Active Exploitation of Two Zero-Day Vulnerabilities in Ivanti Connect Secure VPN
Active Exploitation of Two Zero-Day Vulnerabilities in Ivanti Connect Secure VPN
Volexity has uncovered active in-the-wild exploitation of two vulnerabilities allowing unauthenticated remote code execution in Ivanti Connect Secure VPN appliances. An official security advisory and knowledge base article have been released by Ivanti that includes mitigation that should be applied immediately. However, a mitigation does not remedy a past or ongoing compromise. Systems should simultaneously be thoroughly analyzed per details in this post to look for signs of a breach.
Active Exploitation of Two Zero-Day Vulnerabilities in Ivanti Connect Secure VPN
Canton de Berne: Suite à une faille de sécurité dans un système informatique: plusieurs personnes prévenues identifiées et perquisitions effectuées
Canton de Berne: Suite à une faille de sécurité dans un système informatique: plusieurs personnes prévenues identifiées et perquisitions effectuées
Suite à une faille de sécurité, l’été dernier, dans l’application «MobileIron», également utilisée par la Police cantonale bernoise, des données d’utilisatrices et d’utilisateurs avaient manifestement pu être téléchargées et consultées. Une enquête a permis d’identifier plusieurs personnes prévenues. De plus amples investigations sont en cours.
Canton de Berne: Suite à une faille de sécurité dans un système informatique: plusieurs personnes prévenues identifiées et perquisitions effectuées