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DSoS attacks statistics and observations
DSoS attacks statistics and observations
he year 2023 turned out to be quite rich in events and trends in the field of cybersecurity. We witnessed a new term "white noise", the development of artificial intelligence led to increased bot activity, which significantly affected commercial companies. We detected signs of a resurgence in popularity of commercial DDoS attacks. The implementation of "remote office" technologies led to the expansion of communication channels and, as a result, increased intensity of attacks. But first things first. DDoS Attacks by Vectors The fourth quarter of the past year didn't bring any surprises in terms of the distribution of mixed attacks by vectors. UDP flood once again topped the list with a rate of 60.20%. IP flood came in second at 16.86%. Multivector attacks also made it into the top three with 13.36%. Overall, the distribution was as follows: UDP flood - 60.20% SYN flood - 7.26% IP flood - 16.86% Multivector attacks - 13.36%
DSoS attacks statistics and observations
Understanding and Responding to Distributed Denial-Of-Service Attacks
Understanding and Responding to Distributed Denial-Of-Service Attacks
This joint guide, Understanding and Responding to Distributed Denial-Of-Service Attacks, addresses the specific needs and challenges faced by organizations in defending against DDoS attacks. The guidance now includes detailed insight into three different types of DDoS techniques: Volumetric, attacks aiming to consume available bandwidth. Protocol, attacks which exploit vulnerabilities in network protocols. * Application, attacks targeting vulnerabilities in specific applications or running services.
Understanding and Responding to Distributed Denial-Of-Service Attacks
Plusieurs ministères visés par des attaques informatiques depuis dimanche, annonce Matignon
Plusieurs ministères visés par des attaques informatiques depuis dimanche, annonce Matignon
Si ces attaques, qui ont commencé dimanche soir, ont été d’une « intensité inédite », les services du premier ministre ont précisé lundi que leur impact avait été « réduit ». Elles ont été revendiquées par Anonymous Sudan, qui regroupe des militants prorusses.
Plusieurs ministères visés par des attaques informatiques depuis dimanche, annonce Matignon
DDoS threat report for 2023 Q2
DDoS threat report for 2023 Q2
Q2 2023 saw an unprecedented escalation in DDoS attack sophistication. Pro-Russian hacktivists REvil, Killnet and Anonymous Sudan joined forces to attack Western sites. Mitel vulnerability exploits surged by a whopping 532%, and attacks on crypto rocketed up by 600%. Read the full story...
DDoS threat report for 2023 Q2
Microsoft says early June disruptions to Outlook, cloud platform, were cyberattacks
Microsoft says early June disruptions to Outlook, cloud platform, were cyberattacks
Microsoft says the early June disruptions to its Microsoft’s flagship office suite — including the Outlook email apps — were denial-of-service attacks by a shadowy new hacktivist group. In a blog post published Friday evening after The Associated Press sought clarification on the sporadic but serious outages, Microsoft confirmed that that they were DDoS attacks by a group calling itself Anonymous Sudan, which some security researchers believe is Russia-affiliated. The software giant offered few details on the attack. It did not comment on how many customers were affected.
Microsoft says early June disruptions to Outlook, cloud platform, were cyberattacks
Cyberattaques massives contre la Suisse, huit questions pour analyser une semaine folle
Cyberattaques massives contre la Suisse, huit questions pour analyser une semaine folle
La guerre s’est invitée dans le cyberespace suisse avec fracas cette semaine, le groupe de hackers NoName visant des dizaines de cibles. Il faudra mieux se préparer face à des attaques qui pourraient s’intensifier, avertissent trois experts
Cyberattaques massives contre la Suisse, huit questions pour analyser une semaine folle
Attaque DDoS contre l’administration fédérale: plusieurs applications et sites Internet ne sont plus accessibles
Attaque DDoS contre l’administration fédérale: plusieurs applications et sites Internet ne sont plus accessibles
Lundi 12 juin 2023, plusieurs sites Internet de la Confédération étaient ou sont encore inaccessibles, en raison d’une attaque DDoS menée contre ses systèmes. Celle-ci a été rapidement détectée par les spécialistes de l’administration fédérale, qui travaillent actuellement à rétablir dans les plus brefs délais l’accès aux applications et sites Internet touchés.
Attaque DDoS contre l’administration fédérale: plusieurs applications et sites Internet ne sont plus accessibles
Microsoft 365 sous le feu nourri d'attaques DDoS Dominique Filippone , publié le 09 Juin 2023
Microsoft 365 sous le feu nourri d'attaques DDoS Dominique Filippone , publié le 09 Juin 2023
Revendiquée par un cyberpirate dénommé Anonymous Sudan, une série d'attaques a paralysé pendant plusieurs jours de multiples services cloud de Microsoft dont Outlook, SharePoint et OneDrive. Les difficultés de l'éditeur à assurer une remise en service complète dans ce laps de temps interroge.
Microsoft 365 sous le feu nourri d'attaques DDoS Dominique Filippone , publié le 09 Juin 2023
The Team of Sleuths Quietly Hunting Cyberattack-for-Hire Services
The Team of Sleuths Quietly Hunting Cyberattack-for-Hire Services
For a decade, a group called Big Pipes has worked behind the scenes with the FBI to target the worst cybercriminal “booter” services plaguing the internet. WHEN THE FBI announced the takedown of 13 cyberattack-for-hire services yesterday, it may have seemed like just another day in law enforcement’s cat-and-mouse game with a criminal industry that has long plagued the internet’s infrastructure, bombarding victims with relentless waves of junk internet traffic to knock them offline. In fact, it was the latest win for a discreet group of detectives that has quietly worked behind the scenes for nearly a decade with the goal of ending that plague for good.
The Team of Sleuths Quietly Hunting Cyberattack-for-Hire Services
NCA infiltrates cyber crime market with disguised DDoS sites
NCA infiltrates cyber crime market with disguised DDoS sites
The National Crime Agency has today revealed that it has infiltrated the online criminal marketplace by setting up a number of sites purporting to offer DDoS-for-hire services. Today’s announcement comes after the Agency chose to identify one of the sites currently being run by officers as part of a sustained programme of activity to disrupt and undermine DDoS as a criminal service.
NCA infiltrates cyber crime market with disguised DDoS sites
NCA infiltrates cyber crime market with disguised DDoS sites
NCA infiltrates cyber crime market with disguised DDoS sites
The National Crime Agency has today revealed that it has infiltrated the online criminal marketplace by setting up a number of sites purporting to offer DDoS-for-hire services. Today’s announcement comes after the Agency chose to identify one of the sites currently being run by officers as part of a sustained programme of activity to disrupt and undermine DDoS as a criminal service.
NCA infiltrates cyber crime market with disguised DDoS sites
Cloudflare mitigates record-breaking 71 million request-per-second DDoS attack
Cloudflare mitigates record-breaking 71 million request-per-second DDoS attack
This was a weekend of record-breaking DDoS DDoS. Over the weekend, Cloudflare detected and mitigated dozens of hyper-volumetric DDoS attacks. The majority of attacks peaked in the ballpark of 50-70 million requests per second (rps) with the largest exceeding 71 million rps. This is the largest reported HTTP DDoS attack on record, more than 35% higher than the previous reported record of 46M rps in June 2022.
Cloudflare mitigates record-breaking 71 million request-per-second DDoS attack
Cloudflare mitigates record-breaking 71 million request-per-second DDoS attack
Cloudflare mitigates record-breaking 71 million request-per-second DDoS attack
This was a weekend of record-breaking DDoS DDoS. Over the weekend, Cloudflare detected and mitigated dozens of hyper-volumetric DDoS attacks. The majority of attacks peaked in the ballpark of 50-70 million requests per second (rps) with the largest exceeding 71 million rps. This is the largest reported HTTP DDoS attack on record, more than 35% higher than the previous reported record of 46M rps in June 2022.
Cloudflare mitigates record-breaking 71 million request-per-second DDoS attack