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 The LockBit’s Attempt to Stay Relevant, Its Imposters and New Opportunistic Ransomware Groups
 The LockBit’s Attempt to Stay Relevant, Its Imposters and New Opportunistic Ransomware Groups
The Trellix Advanced Research Center has recently observed an uptick of LockBit-related cyber activity surrounding vulnerabilities in ScreenConnect. This surge suggests that despite the Law Enforcement's (LE) "Operation Cronos" aimed at dismantling LockBit's infrastructure, the ransomware operators somehow managed to survive and stay a float. It appears that the cybercriminals group behind LockBit ransomware partially restored their infrastructure and created an impression that the LE actions did not affect their normal operation. Concurrently, alongside the resurgence of LockBit's exploitation of ScreenConnect vulnerabilities, we have seen other threat actors have either impersonated LockBit ransomware or incorporated LockBit into their own cyber attack campaigns.
 The LockBit’s Attempt to Stay Relevant, Its Imposters and New Opportunistic Ransomware Groups
Unveiling the Fallout: Operation Cronos' Impact on LockBit Following Landmark Disruption
Unveiling the Fallout: Operation Cronos' Impact on LockBit Following Landmark Disruption
  • On Feb. 19, 2024, Operation Cronos, a targeted law enforcement action, caused outages on LockBit-affiliated platforms, significantly disrupting the notorious ransomware group's operations. LockBit’s downtime was quickly followed by a takeover of its leak site by the UK’s National Crime Agency (NCA), spotlighting the concerted international effort against cybercrime. Authorities leveraged the compromised LockBit leak site to distribute information about the group and its operations, announce arrests, sanctions, cryptocurrency seizure, and more. This demonstrated support for affected businesses and cast doubt on LockBit's promises regarding data deletion post-ransom payment — emphasizing that paying ransoms is not the best course of action. Trend Micro analyzed LockBit-NG-Dev, an in-development version of the ransomware. Key findings indicated a shift to a .NET core, which allows it to be more platform-agnostic and emphasizes the need for new security detection techniques. The leak of LockBit's back-end information offered a glimpse into its internal workings and disclosed affiliate identities and victim data, potentially leading to a drop in trust and collaboration within the cybercriminal network. The sentiments of the cybercrime community to LockBit's disruption ranged from satisfaction to speculation about the group’s future, hinting at the significant impact of the incident on the ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) industry. Businesses can expect shifts in RaaS tactics and should enhance preparedness against potential reformations of the disrupted group and its affiliates. Contrary to what the group themselves have stated, activities observed post-disruption would indicate that Operation Chronos has a significant impact on the group’s activities.
Unveiling the Fallout: Operation Cronos' Impact on LockBit Following Landmark Disruption
Exclusive: After LockBit’s takedown, its purported leader vows to hack on
Exclusive: After LockBit’s takedown, its purported leader vows to hack on
This week, the Click Here podcast landed a rare interview with the purported leader of the LockBit ransomware group – he goes by the name LockBitSupp. He’s under pressure because last month an international police operation infiltrated the group and seized not just their platform, but their hacking tools, cryptocurrency accounts and source code ending a four year ransomware rampage.
Exclusive: After LockBit’s takedown, its purported leader vows to hack on
FBI’s LockBit Takedown Postponed a Ticking Time Bomb in Fulton County, Ga. – Krebs on Security
FBI’s LockBit Takedown Postponed a Ticking Time Bomb in Fulton County, Ga. – Krebs on Security
The FBI’s takedown of the LockBit ransomware group last week came as LockBit was preparing to release sensitive data stolen from government computer systems in Fulton County, Ga. But LockBit is now regrouping, and the gang says it will publish the stolen Fulton County data on March 2 unless paid a ransom. LockBit claims the cache includes documents tied to the county’s ongoing criminal prosecution of former President Trump, but court watchers say teaser documents published by the crime gang suggest a total leak of the Fulton County data could put lives at risk and jeopardize a number of other criminal trials
FBI’s LockBit Takedown Postponed a Ticking Time Bomb in Fulton County, Ga. – Krebs on Security
U.S. and U.K. Disrupt LockBit Ransomware Variant | United States Department of Justice
U.S. and U.K. Disrupt LockBit Ransomware Variant | United States Department of Justice
The Department of Justice joined the United Kingdom and international law enforcement partners in London today to announce the disruption of the LockBit ransomware group, one of the most active ransomware groups in the world that has targeted over 2,000 victims, received more than $120 million in ransom payments, and made ransom demands totaling hundreds of millions of dollars.
U.S. and U.K. Disrupt LockBit Ransomware Variant | United States Department of Justice
Police arrests LockBit ransomware members, release decryptor in global crackdown
Police arrests LockBit ransomware members, release decryptor in global crackdown
Law enforcement arrested two operators of the LockBit ransomware gang in Poland and Ukraine, created a decryption tool to recover encrypted files for free, and seized over 200 crypto-wallets after hacking the cybercrime gang's servers in an international crackdown operation.
Police arrests LockBit ransomware members, release decryptor in global crackdown
Law enforcement disrupt world’s biggest ransomware operation
Law enforcement disrupt world’s biggest ransomware operation
LockBit is widely recognised as the world’s most prolific and harmful ransomware, causing billions of euros worth of damage.This international sweep follows a complex investigation led by the UK National Crime Agency in the framework of an international taskforce known as ‘Operation Cronos’, coordinated at European level by Europol and Eurojust.The months-long operation has resulted in the compromise of LockBit’s...
Law enforcement disrupt world’s biggest ransomware operation
LockBit ransomware gang disrupted by international law enforcement operation
LockBit ransomware gang disrupted by international law enforcement operation
LockBit — the most prolific ransomware group in the world — had its website seized Monday as part of an international law enforcement operation that involved the U.K.’s National Crime Agency, the FBI, Europol and several international police agencies.
LockBit ransomware gang disrupted by international law enforcement operation
Lockbit ransomware disrupts emergency care at German hospitals
Lockbit ransomware disrupts emergency care at German hospitals
German hospital network Katholische Hospitalvereinigung Ostwestfalen (KHO) has confirmed that recent service disruptions were caused by a Lockbit ransomware attack where the threat actors gained access to IT systems and encrypted devices on the network.
Lockbit ransomware disrupts emergency care at German hospitals
Negotiating with LockBit: Uncovering the Evolution of Operations and Newly Established Rules
Negotiating with LockBit: Uncovering the Evolution of Operations and Newly Established Rules
What defines success for ransomware actors during an attack? Breaching a victim’s network, exfiltrating valuable data, and encrypting systems are crucial components. However, the ultimate measurement of success is the actor’s ability to extort a ransom payment, which determines if they achieve their financial goals. Navigating the ransom negotiation phase, whether conducted by the victims themselves or designated recovery firms, demands a high level of expertise and a deep understanding of the attackers involved. This includes studying of the threat actor’s profile, tactics, and evolving strategies. In this complex landscape, there is no one-size-fits-all playbook for successfully managing the negotiation phase, as each ransomware group exhibits distinct behaviors and adopts new tactics shaped by many factors.
Negotiating with LockBit: Uncovering the Evolution of Operations and Newly Established Rules
LockBit ransomware group assemble strike team to breach banks, law firms and governments.
LockBit ransomware group assemble strike team to breach banks, law firms and governments.
Recently, I’ve been tracking LockBit ransomware group as they’ve been breaching large enterprises: I thought it would be good to break down what is happening and how they’re doing it, since LockBit are breaching some of the world’s largest organisations — many of whom have incredibly large security budgets. Through data allowing the tracking of ransomware operators, it has been possible to track individual targets. Recently, it has become clear they have been targeting a vulnerability in Citrix Netscaler, called CitrixBleed. Prior reading:
LockBit ransomware group assemble strike team to breach banks, law firms and governments.
Boeing breach: LockBit leaks 50 GB of data
Boeing breach: LockBit leaks 50 GB of data
The Boeing Company, a jetliner manufacturer and US defense contractor, had the company’s data leaked by the LockBit ransomware gang. So far, around 50 gigabytes of compressed data was uploaded LockBit's dark web blog. LockBit has allegedly started leaking data that the gang stole from Boeing in late October. The Cybernews research team noted there's around of 50 GB of supposedly Boeing's data. Bulk of the data appears to be various backups.
Boeing breach: LockBit leaks 50 GB of data
KNVB paid ransom to prevent cyber criminals from publishing footballers' passports
KNVB paid ransom to prevent cyber criminals from publishing footballers' passports
The Dutch football association KNVB paid the ransom demanded by cyber criminals in a ransomware attack in April. The hackers stole Dutch and other football players’ passports, ID cards, home addresses, and salary slips and threatened to publish the data if the football association didn’t pay the ransom, the KNVB said on Tuesday.
KNVB paid ransom to prevent cyber criminals from publishing footballers' passports
TSMC Says Supplier Hacked After Ransomware Group Claims Attack on Chip Giant
TSMC Says Supplier Hacked After Ransomware Group Claims Attack on Chip Giant
The LockBit ransomware group claims to have hacked Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), but the chip giant says only one of its suppliers was breached. The notorious cybercrime group announced on Thursday on its website that it targeted TSMC, suggesting — based on the $70 million ransom demand — that it has stolen vast amounts of sensitive information. The victim was initially given seven days to respond, but the deadline has been extended to August 6 at the time of writing.
TSMC Says Supplier Hacked After Ransomware Group Claims Attack on Chip Giant