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#NoFilter - Abusing Windows Filtering Platform for Privilege Escalation
#NoFilter - Abusing Windows Filtering Platform for Privilege Escalation
This blog is based on a session we presented at DEF CON 2023 on Sunday, August 13, 2023, in Las Vegas. Privilege escalation is a common attack vector in the Windows OS. There are multiple offensive tools in the wild that can execute code as “NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM” (Meterpreter, CobaltStrike, Potato tools), and they all usually do so by duplicating tokens and manipulating services. This allows them to perform attacks like LSASS Shtinkering.
#NoFilter - Abusing Windows Filtering Platform for Privilege Escalation
PindOS: New JavaScript Dropper Delivering Bumblebee and IcedID
PindOS: New JavaScript Dropper Delivering Bumblebee and IcedID
Deep Instinct’s Threat Research Lab recently noticed a new strain of a JavaScript-based dropper that is delivering Bumblebee and IcedID. The dropper contains comments in Russian and employs the unique user-agent string “PindOS”, which may be a reference to current (and past) anti-American sentiment in Russia. Bumblebee is a malware loader first discovered in March 2022. It was associated with Conti group and was being used as a replacement for BazarLoader. It acts as a primary vector for multiple types of other malware, including ransomware. IcedID is a modular banking malware designed to steal financial information. It has been seen in the wild since at least 2017 and has recently been observed shifting some of its focus to malware delivery.
PindOS: New JavaScript Dropper Delivering Bumblebee and IcedID
New MuddyWater Threat: Old Kitten; New Tricks
New MuddyWater Threat: Old Kitten; New Tricks
MuddyWater, also known as Static Kitten and Mercury, is a cyber espionage group that’s most likely a subordinate element within Iran's Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS). Since at least 2017 MuddyWater has targeted a range of government and private organizations across sectors, including telecommunications, local government, defense, and oil and natural gas organizations, in the Middle East, Asia, Africa, Europe, and North America.
New MuddyWater Threat: Old Kitten; New Tricks
New MuddyWater Threat: Old Kitten; New Tricks
New MuddyWater Threat: Old Kitten; New Tricks
MuddyWater, also known as Static Kitten and Mercury, is a cyber espionage group that’s most likely a subordinate element within Iran's Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS). Since at least 2017 MuddyWater has targeted a range of government and private organizations across sectors, including telecommunications, local government, defense, and oil and natural gas organizations, in the Middle East, Asia, Africa, Europe, and North America.
New MuddyWater Threat: Old Kitten; New Tricks