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Finland, Germany, Ireland, Japan, Poland, South Korea added to US-led spyware agreement
Finland, Germany, Ireland, Japan, Poland, South Korea added to US-led spyware agreement
The signees, which already included about a dozen other nations, agree to establish “robust guardrails and procedures" around spyware, while preventing the export of technology that will be used for malicious cyber activity.
Finland, Germany, Ireland, Japan, Poland, South Korea added to US-led spyware agreement
Exclusive: After LockBit’s takedown, its purported leader vows to hack on
Exclusive: After LockBit’s takedown, its purported leader vows to hack on
This week, the Click Here podcast landed a rare interview with the purported leader of the LockBit ransomware group – he goes by the name LockBitSupp. He’s under pressure because last month an international police operation infiltrated the group and seized not just their platform, but their hacking tools, cryptocurrency accounts and source code ending a four year ransomware rampage.
Exclusive: After LockBit’s takedown, its purported leader vows to hack on
Russia’s chief propagandist leaks intercepted German military Webex conversation
Russia’s chief propagandist leaks intercepted German military Webex conversation
Russia has been accused of attempting to inflame divisions in Germany by publishing an intercepted conversation in which Bundeswehr officials discuss the country’s support for Ukraine, particularly around the supply of Taurus cruise missiles. The 38-minute conversation, which took place on February 19, was first published on social media platform Telegram by Margarita Simonyan, the editor-in-chief of RT and a sanctioned propagandist, who said the recording had been provided to her by “comrades in uniform.”
Russia’s chief propagandist leaks intercepted German military Webex conversation
LockBit ransomware gang disrupted by international law enforcement operation
LockBit ransomware gang disrupted by international law enforcement operation
LockBit — the most prolific ransomware group in the world — had its website seized Monday as part of an international law enforcement operation that involved the U.K.’s National Crime Agency, the FBI, Europol and several international police agencies.
LockBit ransomware gang disrupted by international law enforcement operation