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Analysis of a new macOS Trojan-Proxy
Analysis of a new macOS Trojan-Proxy
A new macOS Trojan-Proxy is riding on cracked versions of legitimate software; it relies on DNS-over-HTTPS to obtain a C&C (command and control) address. Illegally distributed software historically has served as a way to sneak malware onto victims’ devices. Oftentimes, users are not willing to pay for software tools they need, so they go searching the Web for a “free lunch”. They are an excellent target for cybercriminals who realize that an individual looking for a cracked app will be willing to download an installer from a questionable website and disable security on their machine, and so they will be fairly easy to trick into installing malware as well.
Analysis of a new macOS Trojan-Proxy
Apple Confirms Governments Using Push Notifications to Surveil Users - MacRumors
Apple Confirms Governments Using Push Notifications to Surveil Users - MacRumors
Unidentified governments are surveilling smartphone users by tracking push notifications that move through Google's and Apple's servers, a US... In a letter to the Department of Justice, Senator Ron Wyden said foreign officials were demanding the data from the tech giants to track smartphones. The traffic flowing from apps that send push notifications put the companies "in a unique position to facilitate government surveillance of how users are using particular apps," Wyden said. He asked the Department of Justice to "repeal or modify any policies" that hindered public discussions of push notification spying.
Apple Confirms Governments Using Push Notifications to Surveil Users - MacRumors
Windows 10 gets three more years of security updates, if you can afford them | Ars Technica
Windows 10 gets three more years of security updates, if you can afford them | Ars Technica
Windows 10's end-of-support date is October 14, 2025. That's the day that most Windows 10 PCs will receive their last security update and the date when most people should find a way to move to Windows 11 to ensure that they stay secure. As it has done for other stubbornly popular versions of Windows, though, Microsoft is offering a reprieve for those who want or need to stay on Windows 10: three additional years of security updates, provided to those who can pay for the Extended Security Updates (ESU) program.
Windows 10 gets three more years of security updates, if you can afford them | Ars Technica
What it means — CitrixBleed ransomware group woes grow as over 60 credit unions, hospitals, financial services and more breached in US. | by Kevin Beaumont | Dec, 2023 | DoublePulsar
What it means — CitrixBleed ransomware group woes grow as over 60 credit unions, hospitals, financial services and more breached in US. | by Kevin Beaumont | Dec, 2023 | DoublePulsar
Credit union technology firm Trellance own Ongoing Operations LLC, and provide a platform called Fedcomp — used by double digit number of other credit unions across the United States. This Fedcomp…
What it means — CitrixBleed ransomware group woes grow as over 60 credit unions, hospitals, financial services and more breached in US. | by Kevin Beaumont | Dec, 2023 | DoublePulsar
L’attaque contre Xplain bloque aussi la modernisation de l’IT du canton d'Argovie (update)
L’attaque contre Xplain bloque aussi la modernisation de l’IT du canton d'Argovie (update)
Le canton d'Argovie ne développe plus de projets IT en collaboration avec Xplain pour le moment. C'est ce qui ressort d'une réponse du Conseil d'Etat argovien à une intervention parlementaire. Après la découverte de la cyberattaque en juin dernier, les projets avec le prestataire Xplain ont été suspendus jusqu'à nouvel ordre, indique le Conseil d'Etat. Une task force dédiée coordonne et documente toutes les mesures pour les applications touchées par la cyberattaque.
L’attaque contre Xplain bloque aussi la modernisation de l’IT du canton d'Argovie (update)
IRGC-Affiliated Cyber Actors Exploit PLCs in Multiple Sectors, Including U.S. Water and Wastewater Systems Facilities
IRGC-Affiliated Cyber Actors Exploit PLCs in Multiple Sectors, Including U.S. Water and Wastewater Systems Facilities
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), National Security Agency (NSA), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the Israel National Cyber Directorate (INCD)—hereafter referred to as "the authoring agencies"—are disseminating this joint Cybersecurity Advisory (CSA) to highlight continued malicious cyber activity against operational technology devices by Iranian Government Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC)-affiliated Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) cyber actors.
IRGC-Affiliated Cyber Actors Exploit PLCs in Multiple Sectors, Including U.S. Water and Wastewater Systems Facilities
Phineas Fisher, Hacktivism, and Magic Tricks
Phineas Fisher, Hacktivism, and Magic Tricks
It's said that a good magician never reveals their secrets. Computer hacking is a particularly good type of magic trick, and for the most part, hackers don't reveal their secrets either. It's sometimes hard to reconcile this, because we read about hacking all the time -- in newspapers, at conferences,
Phineas Fisher, Hacktivism, and Magic Tricks
Cyber Threats affecting "International Geneva"
Cyber Threats affecting "International Geneva"
In the heart of International Geneva, a diverse ecosystem thrives, housing 38 international organizations (IOs), 432 non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and several hundred associations active at an international level, all united by a shared mission: to make the world a place of peace and justice. NGOs are the unsung heroes, addressing armed conflicts, natural disasters, and humanitarian crises, championing human rights, and advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Like many other organizations, NGOs heavily rely on technology, which is critical for projecting their activities globally in real time. Yet, in today’s digital landscape, this reality brings its own set of challenges.
Cyber Threats affecting "International Geneva"
Uncovering the Dark Web Underground Forum: “” a Nexus for Illicit Cyber Activities
Uncovering the Dark Web Underground Forum: “” a Nexus for Illicit Cyber Activities
In the hidden corners of the internet, a parallel economy thrives—one that operates beyond the reach of conventional search engines and law enforcement agencies. Dark Web Forums have become the breeding grounds for cybercriminals. In the world of cybersecurity, Exploit in is a well-known private Russian hacker forum. Since it began in 2012, the forum has developed into a well-known exchange and sales platform for various cybercrime tools and stolen data. A wide range of cybercrime-related topics are covered by Exploit, such as credit card information, email spamming tools, social engineering, security & vulnerabilities, social network hacking, cryptography, cracked tools, buying and selling of hacked databases, info-stealer & Malware as a service (Maas). The creators of Exploit, a well-known cybercrime forum where ransomware gangs recruit affiliates and promote their Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS) offerings, have declared that ransomware advertisements are no longer permitted and will be taken down.
Uncovering the Dark Web Underground Forum: “” a Nexus for Illicit Cyber Activities
Diamond Sleet supply chain compromise distributes a modified CyberLink installer
Diamond Sleet supply chain compromise distributes a modified CyberLink installer
Microsoft has uncovered a supply chain attack by the threat actor Diamond Sleet (ZINC) involving a malicious variant of an application developed by CyberLink Corp. This malicious file is a legitimate CyberLink application installer that has been modified to include malicious code that downloads, decrypts, and loads a second-stage payload. The file, which was signed using a valid certificate issued to CyberLink Corp., is hosted on legitimate update infrastructure owned by the organization.
Diamond Sleet supply chain compromise distributes a modified CyberLink installer
Medical Transcription Service Data Breach Impacts Multiple Health Systems
Medical Transcription Service Data Breach Impacts Multiple Health Systems
Northwell Health and Cook County Health both notified patients of a third-party data breach that originated at Perry Johnson & Associates, a medical transcription vendor. The HHS data breach portal now shows that the Perry Johnson & Associates data breach impacted nearly 9 million individuals, making it one of the largest reported healthcare data breaches this year.
Medical Transcription Service Data Breach Impacts Multiple Health Systems