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District of Puerto Rico | Russian and Moldovan National Pleads Guilty to Operating Illegal Botnet Proxy Service that Infected Tens of Thousands of Internet-Connected Devices Around the World | United States Department of Justice
District of Puerto Rico | Russian and Moldovan National Pleads Guilty to Operating Illegal Botnet Proxy Service that Infected Tens of Thousands of Internet-Connected Devices Around the World | United States Department of Justice
A Russian and Moldovan national pled guilty to three counts of violating 18 U.S.C. § 1030(a)(5)(A) Fraud and Related Activity in Connection with Computers. The FBI today revealed US law enforcement’s dismantlement of a botnet proxy network and its infrastructure associated with the IPStorm malware. According to online reports, the botnet infrastructure had infected Windows systems then further expanded to infect Linux, Mac, and Android devices, victimizing computers and other electronic devices around the world, including in Asia, Europe, North America and South America.
District of Puerto Rico | Russian and Moldovan National Pleads Guilty to Operating Illegal Botnet Proxy Service that Infected Tens of Thousands of Internet-Connected Devices Around the World | United States Department of Justice
Microsoft Patch Tuesday November 2023
Microsoft Patch Tuesday November 2023
Today, Microsoft released patches for 64 different vulnerabilities in Microsoft products, 14 vulnerabilities in Chromium affecting Microsoft Edge, and five vulnerabilities affecting Microsoft's Linux distribution, Mariner. Three of these vulnerabilities are already being exploited, and three have been made public before the release of the patches.
Microsoft Patch Tuesday November 2023
We have a CPU mystery! We found a way to cause some processors to enter a glitch state where the normal rules don’t apply, but what does that mean…? If you’re interested what can go wrong inside modern CPUs, read on!
La loi actuelle sur la protection des données est directement applicable à l’IA
La loi actuelle sur la protection des données est directement applicable à l’IA
En Suisse aussi, l’intelligence artificielle (IA) investit de plus en plus la vie économique et sociale de la population. Dans ce contexte, le PFPDT rappelle que la loi sur la protection des données en vigueur depuis le 1er septembre 2023 est directement applicable aux traitements de données basés sur l’IA.
La loi actuelle sur la protection des données est directement applicable à l’IA
La nLPD est directement applicable à l’intelligence artificielle
La nLPD est directement applicable à l’intelligence artificielle
Selon le Préposé fédéral à la protection des données (PFPDT), la nouvelle loi sur la protection des données en vigueur depuis septembre s'applique également aux outils d'intelligence artificielle. Le traitement des données des utilisateurs doit être signalé, même s'il est effectué par une IA.
La nLPD est directement applicable à l’intelligence artificielle
Nothing new, still broken, insecure by default since then: Python's e-mail libraries and certificate verification
Nothing new, still broken, insecure by default since then: Python's e-mail libraries and certificate verification
Python’s e-mail libraries smtplib, imaplib, and poplib do not verify server certificates unless a proper SSL context is passed to the API. This leads to security problems.
Nothing new, still broken, insecure by default since then: Python's e-mail libraries and certificate verification
GameOver(lay) - Local Privilege Escalation in Ubuntu Kernel
GameOver(lay) - Local Privilege Escalation in Ubuntu Kernel
GameOver(lay) encompasses two significant vulnerabilities within the Ubuntu kernel, CVE-2023-2640, and CVE-2023-32629, each carrying a high-severity rating with CVSS scores of 7.8. These vulnerabilities pose a critical threat, potentially affecting around 40% of Ubuntu users. The vulnerability lies within the OverlayFS module of the Ubuntu kernel, enabling a
GameOver(lay) - Local Privilege Escalation in Ubuntu Kernel
Here’s How Violent Extremists Are Exploiting Generative AI Tools
Here’s How Violent Extremists Are Exploiting Generative AI Tools
Experts are finding thousands of examples of AI-created content every week that could allow terrorist groups and other violent extremists to bypass automated detection systems. #algorithms #censorship #content #disinformation #israel-hamas #moderation #terrorism #war
Here’s How Violent Extremists Are Exploiting Generative AI Tools
Boeing breach: LockBit leaks 50 GB of data
Boeing breach: LockBit leaks 50 GB of data
The Boeing Company, a jetliner manufacturer and US defense contractor, had the company’s data leaked by the LockBit ransomware gang. So far, around 50 gigabytes of compressed data was uploaded LockBit's dark web blog. LockBit has allegedly started leaking data that the gang stole from Boeing in late October. The Cybernews research team noted there's around of 50 GB of supposedly Boeing's data. Bulk of the data appears to be various backups.
Boeing breach: LockBit leaks 50 GB of data
Dozens of npm Packages Caught Attempting to Deploy Reverse Shell
Dozens of npm Packages Caught Attempting to Deploy Reverse Shell
On October 27, Phylum’s automated risk detection platform began alerting us to a series of suspicious publications on npm. Over the course of the following few days, we discovered a campaign involving at least 48 different publications. These packages, deceptively named to appear legitimate, contained obfuscated JavaScript designed to
Dozens of npm Packages Caught Attempting to Deploy Reverse Shell
Nude “before and after” photos stolen from plastic surgeon, posted online, and sent to victims' family and friends
Nude “before and after” photos stolen from plastic surgeon, posted online, and sent to victims' family and friends
The FBI is investigating a data breach where cybercriminals were able to steal patients’ records from a Las Vegas plastic surgeon's office and then publish them online.
Nude “before and after” photos stolen from plastic surgeon, posted online, and sent to victims' family and friends
SysAid On-Prem Software CVE-2023-47246 Vulnerability Disclosure
SysAid On-Prem Software CVE-2023-47246 Vulnerability Disclosure
On Nov 2nd, our security team received reports regarding a potential vulnerability in our on-premise software which was being actively exploited. We immediately initiated our incident response protocol and began proactively communicating with our on-premise customers to ensure they could implement a mitigation solution we had identified. We engaged Profero, a cyber security incident response company, to assist us in our investigation. The investigation determined that there was a zero-day vulnerability in the SysAid on-premises software. We urge all customers with SysAid on-prem server installations to ensure that your SysAid systems are updated to version 23.3.36, which remediates the identified vulnerability, and conduct a comprehensive compromise assessment of your network to look for any indicators further discussed below. Should you identify any indicators, take immediate action and follow your incident response protocols.
SysAid On-Prem Software CVE-2023-47246 Vulnerability Disclosure