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PowerHell: Active Flaws in PowerShell Gallery Expose Users to Attacks
PowerHell: Active Flaws in PowerShell Gallery Expose Users to Attacks
Recent findings by Aqua Nautilus have exposed significant flaws that are still active in the PowerShell Gallery's policy regarding package names and owners. These flaws make typosquatting attacks inevitable in this registry, while also making it extremely difficult for users to identify the true owner of a package. Consequently, these flaws pave the way for potential supply chain attacks on the registry's vast user base.
PowerHell: Active Flaws in PowerShell Gallery Expose Users to Attacks
This $70 device can spoof an Apple device and trick you into sharing your password
This $70 device can spoof an Apple device and trick you into sharing your password
Attendees at Def Con, one of the world’s largest hacking conferences, are used to weird shenanigans, such as a seemingly innocuous wall of computer screens that display people’s passwords sniffed over the conference Wi-Fi network. But at this year’s event, even conference veterans were confused and concerned when their iPhones started showing pop-up messages prompting them to connect their Apple ID or share a password with a nearby Apple TV.
This $70 device can spoof an Apple device and trick you into sharing your password
UK Electoral Commission had an unpatched Microsoft Exchange Server vulnerability
UK Electoral Commission had an unpatched Microsoft Exchange Server vulnerability
You have have read about the hack of the Electoral Commission recently. In this piece we take a look at what happened, show they were running Microsoft Exchange Server with Outlook Web App (OWA) facing the internet, and the unpatched vulnerability that presented.
UK Electoral Commission had an unpatched Microsoft Exchange Server vulnerability
Ransomware tracker: The latest figures [August 2023]
Ransomware tracker: The latest figures [August 2023]
The number of ransomware attacks posted on extortion websites shot up to a record high in July, with ransomware gangs publicly claiming more than 15 attacks per day on average. In total there were 484 ransomware attacks in July, compared to 408 the previous month, according to data collected by Recorded Future from extortion sites, government agencies, news reports, hacking forums, and other sources.
Ransomware tracker: The latest figures [August 2023]
Mac systems turned into proxy exit nodes by AdLoad
Mac systems turned into proxy exit nodes by AdLoad
AdLoad malware is still infecting Mac systems years after its first appearance in 2017. AdLoad, a package bundler, has been observed delivering a wide range of payloads throughout its existence. During AT&T Alien Labs’ investigation of its most recent payload, it was discovered that the most common component dropped by AdLoad during the past year has been a proxy application turning MacOS AdLoad victims into a giant, residential proxy botnet.
Mac systems turned into proxy exit nodes by AdLoad
Want to pwn a satellite? Turns out it's surprisingly easy
Want to pwn a satellite? Turns out it's surprisingly easy
A study into the feasibility of hacking low-Earth orbit satellites has revealed that it's worryingly easy to do. In a presentation at the Black Hat security conference in Las Vegas, Johannes Willbold, a PhD student at Germany's Ruhr University Bochum, explained he had been investigating the security of satellites. He studied three types of orbital machinery and found that many were utterly defenseless against remote takeover because they lack the most basic security systems.
Want to pwn a satellite? Turns out it's surprisingly easy
Biden-Harris Administration Launches Artificial Intelligence Cyber Challenge to Protect America’s Critical Software | The White House
Biden-Harris Administration Launches Artificial Intelligence Cyber Challenge to Protect America’s Critical Software | The White House
Several leading AI companies – Anthropic, Google, Microsoft, and OpenAI – to partner with DARPA in major competition to make software more secure The Biden-Harris Administration today launched a major two-year competition that will use artificial intelligence (AI) to protect the United States’ most important software, such as code that helps run the internet and…
Biden-Harris Administration Launches Artificial Intelligence Cyber Challenge to Protect America’s Critical Software | The White House
5 arrested in Poland for running bulletproof hosting service for cybercrime gangs | Europol
5 arrested in Poland for running bulletproof hosting service for cybercrime gangs | Europol
Five of its administrators were arrested, and all of its servers seized, rendering no longer available.  This latest success in the fight against cybercrime follows a complex investigation supported by Europol and the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).  Criminal hideouts for lease Bulletproof hosting is a service in which an online infrastructure is offered, and operators will generally...
5 arrested in Poland for running bulletproof hosting service for cybercrime gangs | Europol