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France bans all recreational apps from government devices
France bans all recreational apps from government devices
The government of France has banned TikTok – and all other recreational apps – from phones issued to its employees. The nation's ministère de la transformation et de la fonction publiques last Friday issued a statement [PDF]( announcing the policy, which minister of transformation and public service Stanislas Guerini justified on grounds that no recreational apps have sufficiently robust security for them to be deployed on government-owned devices.
France bans all recreational apps from government devices
France bans all recreational apps from government devices
France bans all recreational apps from government devices
The government of France has banned TikTok – and all other recreational apps – from phones issued to its employees. The nation's ministère de la transformation et de la fonction publiques last Friday issued a statement PDF announcing the policy, which minister of transformation and public service Stanislas Guerini justified on grounds that no recreational apps have sufficiently robust security for them to be deployed on government-owned devices.
France bans all recreational apps from government devices
Bypassing Qakbot Anti-Analysis
Bypassing Qakbot Anti-Analysis
QakBot is a banking trojan that has been evolving since its first version was discovered in 2008. According to the 2022 report published by CISA, it was one of the most active variants in 2021, and during 2022 and so far in 2023 it has remained quite active. Taking a brief look at the latests news of QakBot it has been updating its tactics constantly, for example, using a Windows zero-day to avoid displaying the MoTW or the most recent one, using OneNote files to drop QakBot. In this case we are particularly interested in the anti-analysis techniques used by QakBot during the early stages of its execution. These techniques can make malware analysis harder if they are not known, so learning to identify and bypass them is essential to get to see the malware’s operation at its full potential. Furthermore, there are techniques that can replicate / adopt different types of malware, so knowking them opens the door to the study of different samples.
Bypassing Qakbot Anti-Analysis
Bypassing Qakbot Anti-Analysis
Bypassing Qakbot Anti-Analysis
QakBot is a banking trojan that has been evolving since its first version was discovered in 2008. According to the 2022 report published by CISA, it was one of the most active variants in 2021, and during 2022 and so far in 2023 it has remained quite active. Taking a brief look at the latests news of QakBot it has been updating its tactics constantly, for example, using a Windows zero-day to avoid displaying the MoTW or the most recent one, using OneNote files to drop QakBot. In this case we are particularly interested in the anti-analysis techniques used by QakBot during the early stages of its execution. These techniques can make malware analysis harder if they are not known, so learning to identify and bypass them is essential to get to see the malware’s operation at its full potential. Furthermore, there are techniques that can replicate / adopt different types of malware, so knowking them opens the door to the study of different samples.
Bypassing Qakbot Anti-Analysis
MacStealer: New macOS-based Stealer Malware Identified
MacStealer: New macOS-based Stealer Malware Identified
Uptycs has already identified three Windows-based malware families that use Telegram this year, including Titan Stealer, Parallax RAT, and HookSpoofer. Attackers are increasingly turning to it, particularly for stealer command and control (C2). And now the Uptycs threat research team has discovered a macOS stealer that also controls its operations over Telegram. We’ve dubbed it MacStealer.
MacStealer: New macOS-based Stealer Malware Identified
MacStealer: New macOS-based Stealer Malware Identified
MacStealer: New macOS-based Stealer Malware Identified
Uptycs has already identified three Windows-based malware families that use Telegram this year, including Titan Stealer, Parallax RAT, and HookSpoofer. Attackers are increasingly turning to it, particularly for stealer command and control (C2). And now the Uptycs threat research team has discovered a macOS stealer that also controls its operations over Telegram. We’ve dubbed it MacStealer.
MacStealer: New macOS-based Stealer Malware Identified
NCA infiltrates cyber crime market with disguised DDoS sites
NCA infiltrates cyber crime market with disguised DDoS sites
The National Crime Agency has today revealed that it has infiltrated the online criminal marketplace by setting up a number of sites purporting to offer DDoS-for-hire services. Today’s announcement comes after the Agency chose to identify one of the sites currently being run by officers as part of a sustained programme of activity to disrupt and undermine DDoS as a criminal service.
NCA infiltrates cyber crime market with disguised DDoS sites
NCA infiltrates cyber crime market with disguised DDoS sites
NCA infiltrates cyber crime market with disguised DDoS sites
The National Crime Agency has today revealed that it has infiltrated the online criminal marketplace by setting up a number of sites purporting to offer DDoS-for-hire services. Today’s announcement comes after the Agency chose to identify one of the sites currently being run by officers as part of a sustained programme of activity to disrupt and undermine DDoS as a criminal service.
NCA infiltrates cyber crime market with disguised DDoS sites
Throttling and Blocking Email from Persistently Vulnerable Exchange Servers to Exchange Online - Microsoft Community Hub
Throttling and Blocking Email from Persistently Vulnerable Exchange Servers to Exchange Online - Microsoft Community Hub
As we continue to enhance the security of our cloud, we are going to address the problem of email sent to Exchange Online from unsupported and unpatched Exchange servers. There are many risks associated with running unsupported or unpatched software, but by far the biggest risk is security. Once a version of Exchange Server is no longer supported, it no longer receives security updates; thus, any vulnerabilities discovered after support has ended don’t get fixed. There are similar risks associated with running software that is not patched for known vulnerabilities. Once a security update is released, malicious actors will reverse-engineer the update to get a better understanding of how to exploit the vulnerability on unpatched servers.
Throttling and Blocking Email from Persistently Vulnerable Exchange Servers to Exchange Online - Microsoft Community Hub
Throttling and Blocking Email from Persistently Vulnerable Exchange Servers to Exchange Online - Microsoft Community Hub
Throttling and Blocking Email from Persistently Vulnerable Exchange Servers to Exchange Online - Microsoft Community Hub
As we continue to enhance the security of our cloud, we are going to address the problem of email sent to Exchange Online from unsupported and unpatched Exchange servers. There are many risks associated with running unsupported or unpatched software, but by far the biggest risk is security. Once a version of Exchange Server is no longer supported, it no longer receives security updates; thus, any vulnerabilities discovered after support has ended don’t get fixed. There are similar risks associated with running software that is not patched for known vulnerabilities. Once a security update is released, malicious actors will reverse-engineer the update to get a better understanding of how to exploit the vulnerability on unpatched servers.
Throttling and Blocking Email from Persistently Vulnerable Exchange Servers to Exchange Online - Microsoft Community Hub
Shining Light on Dark Power: Yet Another Ransomware Gang
Shining Light on Dark Power: Yet Another Ransomware Gang
Another day, another ransomware gang. The Dark Power ransomware gang is new on the block, and is trying to make a name for itself. This blog dives into the specifics of the ransomware used by the gang, as well as some information regarding their victim naming and shaming website, filled with non-paying victims and stolen data.
Shining Light on Dark Power: Yet Another Ransomware Gang
Shining Light on Dark Power: Yet Another Ransomware Gang
Shining Light on Dark Power: Yet Another Ransomware Gang
Another day, another ransomware gang. The Dark Power ransomware gang is new on the block, and is trying to make a name for itself. This blog dives into the specifics of the ransomware used by the gang, as well as some information regarding their victim naming and shaming website, filled with non-paying victims and stolen data.
Shining Light on Dark Power: Yet Another Ransomware Gang
Untitled Goose Tool Aids Hunt and Incident Response in Azure, Azure Active Directory, and Microsoft 365 Environments
Untitled Goose Tool Aids Hunt and Incident Response in Azure, Azure Active Directory, and Microsoft 365 Environments
Today, CISA released the Untitled Goose Tool to help network defenders detect potentially malicious activity in Microsoft Azure, Azure Active Directory (AAD), and Microsoft 365 (M365) environments. The Untitled Goose Tool offers novel authentication and data gathering methods for network defenders to use as they interrogate and analyze their Microsoft cloud services. The tool enables users to:
Untitled Goose Tool Aids Hunt and Incident Response in Azure, Azure Active Directory, and Microsoft 365 Environments
Untitled Goose Tool Aids Hunt and Incident Response in Azure, Azure Active Directory, and Microsoft 365 Environments
Untitled Goose Tool Aids Hunt and Incident Response in Azure, Azure Active Directory, and Microsoft 365 Environments
Today, CISA released the Untitled Goose Tool to help network defenders detect potentially malicious activity in Microsoft Azure, Azure Active Directory (AAD), and Microsoft 365 (M365) environments. The Untitled Goose Tool offers novel authentication and data gathering methods for network defenders to use as they interrogate and analyze their Microsoft cloud services. The tool enables users to:
Untitled Goose Tool Aids Hunt and Incident Response in Azure, Azure Active Directory, and Microsoft 365 Environments
Raiffeisen, Cler, BCGE... Des données bancaires exposées sur le web, à l'insu des clients
Raiffeisen, Cler, BCGE... Des données bancaires exposées sur le web, à l'insu des clients
C’est une faille banale qui a exposé les relevés de cartes bancaires de milliers d’entreprises suisses pendant 18 mois. Et ni l’entreprise qui émet les cartes concernées, ni les banques qui les fournissent à leurs clients ne comptent diffuser l’information. Motif? Le problème a été réglé et les recherches n’ont pas permis d’observer un accès indu aux informations. Une stratégie de communication qui interpelle, à l’heure où la sécurité des données devient un enjeu majeur pour les entreprises.
Raiffeisen, Cler, BCGE... Des données bancaires exposées sur le web, à l'insu des clients
Raiffeisen, Cler, BCGE... Des données bancaires exposées sur le web, à l'insu des clients
Raiffeisen, Cler, BCGE... Des données bancaires exposées sur le web, à l'insu des clients
C’est une faille banale qui a exposé les relevés de cartes bancaires de milliers d’entreprises suisses pendant 18 mois. Et ni l’entreprise qui émet les cartes concernées, ni les banques qui les fournissent à leurs clients ne comptent diffuser l’information. Motif? Le problème a été réglé et les recherches n’ont pas permis d’observer un accès indu aux informations. Une stratégie de communication qui interpelle, à l’heure où la sécurité des données devient un enjeu majeur pour les entreprises.
Raiffeisen, Cler, BCGE... Des données bancaires exposées sur le web, à l'insu des clients
New victims come forward after mass-ransomware attack
New victims come forward after mass-ransomware attack
The number of victims affected by a mass-ransomware attack, caused by a bug in a popular data transfer tool used by businesses around the world, continues to grow as another organization tells TechCrunch that it was also hacked. The City of Toronto told TechCrunch in a revised statement on March 23: “Today, the City of Toronto has confirmed that unauthorized access to City data did occur through a third party vendor. The access is limited to files that were unable to be processed through the third party secure file transfer system.”
New victims come forward after mass-ransomware attack
New victims come forward after mass-ransomware attack
New victims come forward after mass-ransomware attack
The number of victims affected by a mass-ransomware attack, caused by a bug in a popular data transfer tool used by businesses around the world, continues to grow as another organization tells TechCrunch that it was also hacked. The City of Toronto told TechCrunch in a revised statement on March 23: “Today, the City of Toronto has confirmed that unauthorized access to City data did occur through a third party vendor. The access is limited to files that were unable to be processed through the third party secure file transfer system.”
New victims come forward after mass-ransomware attack
Emotet resumes spam operations, switches to OneNote
Emotet resumes spam operations, switches to OneNote
  • Emotet resumed spamming operations on March 7, 2023, after a months-long hiatus. * Initially leveraging heavily padded Microsoft Word documents to attempt to evade sandbox analysis and endpoint protection, the botnets switched to distributing malicious OneNote documents on March 16. * Since returning, Emotet has leveraged several distinct infection chains, indicating that they are modifying their approach based on their perceived success in infecting new systems. * The initial emails delivered to victims are consistent with what has been observed from Emotet over the past several years.
Emotet resumes spam operations, switches to OneNote
Emotet resumes spam operations, switches to OneNote
Emotet resumes spam operations, switches to OneNote
* Emotet resumed spamming operations on March 7, 2023, after a months-long hiatus. * Initially leveraging heavily padded Microsoft Word documents to attempt to evade sandbox analysis and endpoint protection, the botnets switched to distributing malicious OneNote documents on March 16. * Since returning, Emotet has leveraged several distinct infection chains, indicating that they are modifying their approach based on their perceived success in infecting new systems. * The initial emails delivered to victims are consistent with what has been observed from Emotet over the past several years.
Emotet resumes spam operations, switches to OneNote
Prompt Injections are bad, mkay?
Prompt Injections are bad, mkay?
Large Language Models (LLM) have made amazing progress in recent years. Most recently, they have demonstrated to answer natural language questions at a surprising performance level. In addition, by clever prompting, these models can change their behavior. In this way, these models blur the line between data and instruction. From "traditional" cybersecurity, we know that this is a problem. The importance of security boundaries between trusted and untrusted inputs for LLMs was underestimated. We show that Prompt Injection is a serious security threat that needs to be addressed as models are deployed to new use-cases and interface with more systems. [PDF DOC]
Prompt Injections are bad, mkay?
Prompt Injections are bad, mkay?
Prompt Injections are bad, mkay?
Large Language Models (LLM) have made amazing progress in recent years. Most recently, they have demonstrated to answer natural language questions at a surprising performance level. In addition, by clever prompting, these models can change their behavior. In this way, these models blur the line between data and instruction. From "traditional" cybersecurity, we know that this is a problem. The importance of security boundaries between trusted and untrusted inputs for LLMs was underestimated. We show that Prompt Injection is a serious security threat that needs to be addressed as models are deployed to new use-cases and interface with more systems. [PDF DOC]
Prompt Injections are bad, mkay?