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Palo Alto - Putting The Protecc In GlobalProtect (CVE-2024-3400)
Palo Alto - Putting The Protecc In GlobalProtect (CVE-2024-3400)
Welcome to April 2024, again. We’re back, again. Over the weekend, we were all greeted by now-familiar news—a nation-state was exploiting a “sophisticated” vulnerability for full compromise in yet another enterprise-grade SSLVPN device. We’ve seen all the commentary around the certification process of these devices for certain .GOVs - we’re not here to comment on that, but sounds humorous.
Palo Alto - Putting The Protecc In GlobalProtect (CVE-2024-3400)
Réunion en ligne avec un faux chef (technique de deep fake) : fraude au CEO 2.0
Réunion en ligne avec un faux chef (technique de deep fake) : fraude au CEO 2.0
09.04.2024 - Le service financier d’une entreprise reçoit de son patron une demande de paiement soi-disant urgente. Le CEO explique que si le responsable financier n’effectue pas le paiement dans les plus brefs délais, cela aura de graves conséquences pour l’entreprise, car une commande importante sera perdue. Ensuite, le chef n’est étrangement plus joignable pour répondre à d’autres questions. Tel est le scénario typique d’une fraude au CEO. La plupart du temps, ces attaques ne sont pas très sophistiquées et sont faciles à détecter. L’intelligence artificielle et le deep fake ne s’arrêtent toutefois pas à cette méthode d’escroquerie plutôt simple, comme le montre un exemple récent signalé à l’OFCS.
Réunion en ligne avec un faux chef (technique de deep fake) : fraude au CEO 2.0
World-first “Cybercrime Index” ranks countries by cybercrime threat
World-first “Cybercrime Index” ranks countries by cybercrime threat
Following three years of intensive research, an international team of researchers have compiled the first ever ‘World Cybercrime Index’, which identifies the globe’s key cybercrime hotspots by ranking the most significant sources of cybercrime at a national level.
World-first “Cybercrime Index” ranks countries by cybercrime threat
Raspberry Robin Returns: New Malware Campaign Spreading Through WSF Files
Raspberry Robin Returns: New Malware Campaign Spreading Through WSF Files
Researchers uncover a fresh wave of the Raspberry Robin campaign spreading malware through malicious Windows Script Files (WSFs) since March 2024. #attacks #breach #computer #cyber #data #hack #hacker #hacking #how #information #malware #network #news #ransomware #security #software #the #to #today #updates #vulnerability
Raspberry Robin Returns: New Malware Campaign Spreading Through WSF Files
Ransomware gang’s new extortion trick? Calling the front desk
Ransomware gang’s new extortion trick? Calling the front desk
When a hacker called the company that his gang claimed to breach, he felt the same way that most of us feel when calling the front desk: frustrated. The phone call between the hacker, who claims to represent the ransomware gang DragonForce, and the victim company employee was posted by the ransomware gang on its dark web site in an apparent attempt to put pressure on the company to pay a ransom demand. In reality, the call recording just shows a somewhat hilarious and failed attempt to extort and intimidate a company’s rank-and-file employees.
Ransomware gang’s new extortion trick? Calling the front desk
Roku says 576,000 user accounts hacked after second security incident
Roku says 576,000 user accounts hacked after second security incident
Streaming giant Roku has confirmed a second security incident in as many months, with hackers this time able to compromise more than half a million Roku user accounts. In a statement Friday, the company said about 576,000 user accounts were accessed using a technique known as credential stuffing, where malicious hackers use usernames and passwords stolen from other data breaches and reuse the logins on other sites.
Roku says 576,000 user accounts hacked after second security incident
Researchers discover new ransomware gang ‘Muliaka’ attacking Russian businesses
Researchers discover new ransomware gang ‘Muliaka’ attacking Russian businesses
A previously unknown ransomware gang has been attacking Russian businesses with malware based on the leaked source code from the Conti hacking group. The gang, which researchers at the Moscow-based cybersecurity company F.A.C.C.T. have dubbed “Muliaka," or Muddy Water in English, has left minimal traces from its attacks but has likely been active since at least December 2023.
Researchers discover new ransomware gang ‘Muliaka’ attacking Russian businesses
Zero-Day Exploitation of Unauthenticated Remote Code Execution Vulnerability in GlobalProtect (CVE-2024-3400)
Zero-Day Exploitation of Unauthenticated Remote Code Execution Vulnerability in GlobalProtect (CVE-2024-3400)
On April 10, 2024, Volexity identified zero-day exploitation of a vulnerability found within the GlobalProtect feature of Palo Alto Networks PAN-OS at one of its network security monitoring (NSM) customers. Volexity received alerts regarding suspect network traffic emanating from the customer’s firewall. A subsequent investigation determined the device had been compromised. The following day, April 11, 2024, Volexity observed further, identical exploitation at another one of its NSM customers by the same threat actor.
Zero-Day Exploitation of Unauthenticated Remote Code Execution Vulnerability in GlobalProtect (CVE-2024-3400)