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Nighthawk: An Up-and-Coming Pentest Tool Likely to Gain Threat Actor Notice | Proofpoint US
Nighthawk: An Up-and-Coming Pentest Tool Likely to Gain Threat Actor Notice | Proofpoint US
Key Takeaways * Nighthawk is an advanced C2 framework intended for red team operations through commercial licensing. * Proofpoint researchers observed initial use of the framework in September 2022 by a likely red team. * We have seen no indications at this time that leaked versions of Nighthawk are being used by attributed threat actors in the wild. * The tool has a robust list of configurable evasion techniques that are referenced as “opsec” functions throughout its code. P* roofpoint researchers expect Nighthawk will show up in threat actor campaigns as the tool becomes more widely recognized or as threat actors search for new, more capable tools to use against targets.
Nighthawk: An Up-and-Coming Pentest Tool Likely to Gain Threat Actor Notice | Proofpoint US
Nighthawk: An Up-and-Coming Pentest Tool Likely to Gain Threat Actor Notice | Proofpoint US
Nighthawk: An Up-and-Coming Pentest Tool Likely to Gain Threat Actor Notice | Proofpoint US
Key Takeaways * Nighthawk is an advanced C2 framework intended for red team operations through commercial licensing. * Proofpoint researchers observed initial use of the framework in September 2022 by a likely red team. * We have seen no indications at this time that leaked versions of Nighthawk are being used by attributed threat actors in the wild. * The tool has a robust list of configurable evasion techniques that are referenced as “opsec” functions throughout its code. P* roofpoint researchers expect Nighthawk will show up in threat actor campaigns as the tool becomes more widely recognized or as threat actors search for new, more capable tools to use against targets.
Nighthawk: An Up-and-Coming Pentest Tool Likely to Gain Threat Actor Notice | Proofpoint US
Why would you want to hack Electric Vehicle Charging Stations?
Why would you want to hack Electric Vehicle Charging Stations?
A Russian zero-day exploit purchase site is interested in tools for hacking of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations. This raises a number of questions. Why would anybody want to hack such targets? Also, why would Russian entities (in particular) be interested in such targets? The best answer to these is “good question!”, and let's put politics aside. Let’s explore the potential cybersecurity risks of electric vehicle charging station, assuming the ability of compromising them at a scale, having some kind of tools. It turns out that this is a fascinating security problem!
Why would you want to hack Electric Vehicle Charging Stations?
Why would you want to hack Electric Vehicle Charging Stations?
Why would you want to hack Electric Vehicle Charging Stations?
A Russian zero-day exploit purchase site is interested in tools for hacking of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations. This raises a number of questions. Why would anybody want to hack such targets? Also, why would Russian entities (in particular) be interested in such targets? The best answer to these is “good question!”, and let's put politics aside. Let’s explore the potential cybersecurity risks of electric vehicle charging station, assuming the ability of compromising them at a scale, having some kind of tools. It turns out that this is a fascinating security problem!
Why would you want to hack Electric Vehicle Charging Stations?
Endurance Ransomware Claims Breach of US Federal Government
Endurance Ransomware Claims Breach of US Federal Government
The WatchGuard Security Team spends a lot of time chasing ransomware extortion groups throughout the dark web. So, it only fits that one of the newer ransomware extortion groups is named Endurance Ransomware. It appears this “group” is one individual known as IntelBroker, who has allegedly breached several entities of the US government and two […]
Endurance Ransomware Claims Breach of US Federal Government
Endurance Ransomware Claims Breach of US Federal Government
Endurance Ransomware Claims Breach of US Federal Government
The WatchGuard Security Team spends a lot of time chasing ransomware extortion groups throughout the dark web. So, it only fits that one of the newer ransomware extortion groups is named Endurance Ransomware. It appears this “group” is one individual known as IntelBroker, who has allegedly breached several entities of the US government and two […]
Endurance Ransomware Claims Breach of US Federal Government