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Risk assessment report on cyber resilience on EU’s telecommunications and electricity sectors
Risk assessment report on cyber resilience on EU’s telecommunications and electricity sectors
EU Member States, with the support of the European Commission and ENISA, the EU Agency for Cybersecurity, published the first report on the cybersecurity and resilience of Europe’s telecommunications and electricity sectors.
Risk assessment report on cyber resilience on EU’s telecommunications and electricity sectors
Breaking: Meta halts AI rollout in Europe after ‘request’ from Irish data protection authorities
Breaking: Meta halts AI rollout in Europe after ‘request’ from Irish data protection authorities
Facebook and Instagram's parent company Meta is pausing its plans to roll our artificial intelligence tools in Europe, following a request from Ireland's Data Protection Commission (DPC), the firm said in a Friday (14 June) blogpost.
Breaking: Meta halts AI rollout in Europe after ‘request’ from Irish data protection authorities
Revealed: Russian legal foundation linked to Kremlin activities in Europe | Russia | The Guardian
Revealed: Russian legal foundation linked to Kremlin activities in Europe | Russia | The Guardian
Leaked internal documents have exposed the activities of a Russian state-backed legal defence foundation that European intelligence agencies and analysts say is in fact a Kremlin influence operation active in 48 countries across Europe and around the world. Internal documents from the Fund for Support and Protection of the Rights of Compatriots Living Abroad (Pravfond) indicate that the foundation finances propaganda websites targeted at Europeans, helped pay for the legal defence of the convicted arms trafficker Viktor Bout and the assassin Vadim Krasikov, and has employed a number of former intelligence officers as the directors of its operations in European countries.
Revealed: Russian legal foundation linked to Kremlin activities in Europe | Russia | The Guardian
Europe's cybersecurity chief says disruptive attacks have doubled in 2024, sees Russia behind many
Europe's cybersecurity chief says disruptive attacks have doubled in 2024, sees Russia behind many
The top European Union cybersecurity official says that disruptive digital attacks have doubled in the 27-member bloc in recent months and election-related services are also being targeted.
Europe's cybersecurity chief says disruptive attacks have doubled in 2024, sees Russia behind many
Cyber: Statement by the High Representative on behalf of the EU on continued malicious behaviour in cyberspace by the Russian Federation - Consilium
Cyber: Statement by the High Representative on behalf of the EU on continued malicious behaviour in cyberspace by the Russian Federation - Consilium
The EU issued a statement strongly condemning the malicious cyber campaign conducted by the Russia-controlled Advanced Persistent Threat Actor 28 (APT28) against Germany and Czechia.
Cyber: Statement by the High Representative on behalf of the EU on continued malicious behaviour in cyberspace by the Russian Federation - Consilium
La Commission se félicite de l'accord politique obtenu sur le règlement relatif à la cybersolidarité
La Commission se félicite de l'accord politique obtenu sur le règlement relatif à la cybersolidarité
La Commission se félicite de l'accord politique auquel le Parlement européen et le Conseil sont parvenus la nuit dernière concernant le règlement sur la cybersolidarité, proposé par la Commission en avril 2023. Le règlement sur la cybersolidarité renforcera la solidarité au niveau de l'UE afin de mieux détecter les menaces et incidents de cybersécurité, de mieux s'y préparer et de mieux y réagir. Cet accord intervient à un moment crucial pour la cybersécurité de l'UE, étant donné que le paysage des cybermenaces dans l'UE continue d'être affecté par les événements géopolitiques.
La Commission se félicite de l'accord politique obtenu sur le règlement relatif à la cybersolidarité
Civil society complaint raises concern that LinkedIn is violating DSA ad targeting restrictions
Civil society complaint raises concern that LinkedIn is violating DSA ad targeting restrictions
On 26 February, EDRi and its partners Global Witness, Gesellschaft für Freiheitsrechte and Bits of Freedom have submitted a complaint to the European Commission regarding a potential infringement of the Digital Services Act (DSA). Specifically, we have raised concerns that LinkedIn, a designated Very Large Online Platform (VLOP) under the DSA, infringes the DSA’s new prohibition of targeting online adverts based on profiling using sensitive categories of personal data such as sexuality, political opinions, or race.
Civil society complaint raises concern that LinkedIn is violating DSA ad targeting restrictions
Russia-Aligned TAG-70 Targets European Government and Military Mail Servers in New Espionage Campaign
Russia-Aligned TAG-70 Targets European Government and Military Mail Servers in New Espionage Campaign
Insikt Group has observed TAG-70 leveraging cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities against Roundcube webmail servers in Europe, targeting government, military, and national infrastructure.
Russia-Aligned TAG-70 Targets European Government and Military Mail Servers in New Espionage Campaign
Imposer aux messageries de donner leurs clés pour déchiffrer les messages est illégal, estime la CEDH
Imposer aux messageries de donner leurs clés pour déchiffrer les messages est illégal, estime la CEDH
La Cour européenne des droits de l’homme a donné raison à un utilisateur de l’application Telegram visé par une demande du FSB, le service de sécurité intérieure russe. La décision pourrait avoir un impact sur certaines lois en cours de discussion en Europe.
Imposer aux messageries de donner leurs clés pour déchiffrer les messages est illégal, estime la CEDH