A threat actor has infected the website of Casio UK and 16 other victims with a web skimmer that altered the payment flow to harvest and exfiltrate visitors’ information, web security provider Jscrambler reports.
Government and university websites targeted in ScriptAPI[.]dev client-side attack - c/side
Yesterday we discovered another client-side JavaScript attack targeting +500 websites, including governments and universities. The injected scripts create hidden links in the Document Object Model (DOM), pointing to external websites, a programming interface for web documents.
Litespeed Cache bug exposes millions of WordPress sites to takeover attacks
A critical vulnerability in the LiteSpeed Cache WordPress plugin can let attackers take over millions of websites after creating rogue admin accounts. #Admin #Cache #Computer #InfoSec #LiteSpeed #Plugin #Security #Takeover #Website #WordPress
Facebook PrestaShop module exploited to steal credit cards
Hackers are exploiting a flaw in a premium Facebook module for PrestaShop named pkfacebook to deploy a card skimmer on vulnerable e-commerce sites and steal people's payment credit card details.
Help us to take down the parasite website | Notepad++
I’ve received numerous complaints via email, social media, and forums regarding a website that poses a significant threat to our community. The site in question is https://notepad.plus/ which appears prominently when users google for “download Notepad++”.