Vidar Infostealer Steals Credentials in Fraud Scam
Learn how a threat actor used spearphishing emails and social engineering tactics to obtain a hotel’s credentials and solicit customers’ payment information.
Malvertiser copies PC news site to deliver infostealer
Users looking to download a popular PC utility may be tricked in this campaign where a threat actor has registered a website that copies content from a PC and Windows news portal.
Users of cybercrime forums often fall victim to info-stealers, researchers find
After analyzing millions of computers infected with info-stealing malware, researchers at Hudson Rock said they identified 120,000 that contained credentials used for logging into cybercrime forums.
Karma Catches Up to Global Phishing Service 16Shop
You've probably never heard of "16Shop," but there's a good chance someone using it has tried to phish you. Last week, the international police organization INTERPOL said it had shuttered the notorious 16Shop, a popular phishing-as-a-service platform launched in 2017…
Creal: New Stealer Targeting Cryptocurrency Users Via Phishing Sites
Open-Source Stealer Widely Abused by Threat Actors The threat of InfoStealers is widespread and has been frequently employed by various Threat Actors (TA)s to launch attacks and make financial gains. Until now, the primary use of stealers by TAs has been to sell logs or to gain initial entry into a corporate network.
Darth Vidar: The Dark Side of Evolving Threat Infrastructure
Summary Three key takeaways from our analysis of Vidar infrastructure: Russian VPN gateways are potentially providing anonymity for Vidar operators / customers, making it more challenging for analysts to have a complete overview of this threat. These gateways now appear to be migrating to Tor. Vidar operators appear to be expanding their infrastructure, so analysts need to keep them in their sights. We expect a new wave of customers and as a result, an increase of campaigns in the upcoming weeks
Creal: New Stealer Targeting Cryptocurrency Users Via Phishing Sites
Open-Source Stealer Widely Abused by Threat Actors The threat of InfoStealers is widespread and has been frequently employed by various Threat Actors (TA)s to launch attacks and make financial gains. Until now, the primary use of stealers by TAs has been to sell logs or to gain initial entry into a corporate network.
Darth Vidar: The Dark Side of Evolving Threat Infrastructure
Summary Three key takeaways from our analysis of Vidar infrastructure: Russian VPN gateways are potentially providing anonymity for Vidar operators / customers, making it more challenging for analysts to have a complete overview of this threat. These gateways now appear to be migrating to Tor. Vidar operators appear to be expanding their infrastructure, so analysts need to keep them in their sights. We expect a new wave of customers and as a result, an increase of campaigns in the upcoming weeks