Telegram Hands U.S. Authorities Data on Thousands of UsersThe number of data requests fulfilled by Telegram skyrocketed, with the company providing data to U.S. authorities on 2,253 users last year.#404media#EN#2024#US#Telegrm#Durov#fulfilled#data-request··Jan 7, 2025Telegram Hands U.S. Authorities Data on Thousands of Users
In Wake of Durov Arrest, Some Cybercriminals Ditch TelegramHackers, fraudsters, and drug dealers are all leaving the platform in one way or another. Some are worried that Telegram may start providing user data to the authorities.#404media#EN#2024#Telegram#Hackers#fraudsters#Durov#leaving··Sep 14, 2024In Wake of Durov Arrest, Some Cybercriminals Ditch Telegram