Patch for Critical CUPS vulnerability: Don't Panic - SANS Internet Storm CenterPatch for Critical CUPS vulnerability: Don't Panic, Author: Johannes Ullrich#sansedu#EN#2024#CUPS#evilsocket#CVE-2024-47176··Oct 4, 2024Patch for Critical CUPS vulnerability: Don't Panic - SANS Internet Storm Center
Attacking UNIX Systems via CUPS, Part IHello friends, this is the first of two, possibly three (if and when I have time to finish the Windows research) writeups. We will start with targeting GNU/Linux systems with an RCE. As someone who’s#evilsocket#CVE-2024-47076#libcupsfilter#CVE-2024-47175#libppd#CVE-2024-47176#cups-browsed#CVE-2024-47177#cups-filters#RCE··Sep 27, 2024Attacking UNIX Systems via CUPS, Part I