Gamers Tricked Into Downloading Lua-Based Malware via Fake Cheating Script EnginesGamers searching for game cheats are falling victim to a global malware campaign delivering RedLine Stealer.#thehackernews#2024#Lua-Based#Malware#Cheating#gamers#RedLine#Stealer··Oct 14, 2024Gamers Tricked Into Downloading Lua-Based Malware via Fake Cheating Script Engines
Sextortion scams now use your "cheating" spouse’s name as a lureA new variant of the ongoing sextortion email scams is now targeting spouses, saying that their husband or wife is cheating on them, with links to the alleged proof.#bleepingcomputer#EN#2024#Cheating#Spouse#Extortion#Security#Sextortion··Sep 9, 2024Sextortion scams now use your "cheating" spouse’s name as a lure