Fortinet suffers third-party data breach affecting Asia-Pacific customers - Cyber DailyInternational cyber security giant Fortinet has disclosed that it has suffered a data breach.#cyberdaily#EN#2024#Fortinet#Data-Breach··Sep 12, 2024Fortinet suffers third-party data breach affecting Asia-Pacific customers - Cyber Daily
Snikt! Rhysida dumps more than a terabyte of Insomniac Games’ internal dataThe Rhysida ransomware gang publishes 98 per cent of leaked data minutes after the ransom deadline passes – Wolverine game files included.#cyberdaily#EN#2023#Rhysida#ransomware#Insomniac#Games#data-breach··Dec 20, 2023Snikt! Rhysida dumps more than a terabyte of Insomniac Games’ internal data