, LLC Provides Notice of Data Security Incident, LLC provides a product (“ConnectOnCall”) that healthcare providers purchase to improve their after-hours call process and enhance communications between the providers and their patients. ConnectOnCall discovered an incident that involved personal information related to communications between patients and healthcare providers that use ConnectOnCall. On May 12, 2024, ConnectOnCall learned of an issue impacting ConnectOnCall and immediately began an investigation and took steps to secure the product and ensure the overall security of its environment. ConnectOnCall’s investigation revealed that between February 16, 2024, and May 12, 2024, an unknown third party had access to ConnectOnCall and certain data within the application, including certain information in provider-patient communications.
Banks: Zurich asset manager hit by massive hacker attack
Extensive data leak in Switzerland: The Zurich-based asset manager Boreal Capital Management has been attacked by a hacker group, with data from around 700 current and former clients being stolen and published, according to media reports.
Thousands of orgs at risk of ServiceNow KB data leaks
Security researchers say that thousands of companies are potentially leaking secrets from their internal knowledge base (KB) articles via ServiceNow misconfigurations. Aaron Costello and Dan Meged, of the AppOmni and Adaptive Shield security shops respectively, separately published their findings this week, concluding that pages set to "private" could still be read by tinkering with a ServiceNow customer's KB widgets. These widgets are essentially containers of information used to construct the pages in KB articles. These can include page elements that allow users to leave feedback on articles, either through star ratings or comments, for example.
Free Russia Foundation to investigate data breach after internal documents published online — Novaya Gazeta Europe
One of Russia’s most prominent pro-democracy organisations, the Free Russia Foundation, announced that it was investigating a potential cyberattack on Friday, following a leak of thousands of emails and documents related to its work.
Police Ombudsman sorry for ‘distressing’ data leak as investigation is launched
An investigation has been launched after a data breach led to the details of current and former Police Ombudsman staff members being accidently released. The Police Ombudsman (PONI) has apologised for the data leak incident involving 160 current and former staff.
London hospital attackers started leaking blood test data
Cybercriminals behind attacks disrupting at least five London hospitals leaked nearly 400 gigabytes of data, which reportedly included blood test information. Qilin ransomware started leaking data stolen from England National Health Service (NHS) partner Synnovis labs. According to reports from the BBC, the data includes patient names, dates of birth, NHS numbers, descriptions of blood tests, and other information.
Un prestataire externe de la Ville d'Yverdon-les-Bains victime d'une cyberattaque
Un prestataire externe du Service des énergies de la ville d'Yverdon-les-Bains (VD) a été victime fin mai d'une cyberattaque. Près de 12'300 particuliers et entreprises pourraient être concernés. Mais à ce stade, rien n'indique que des données aient été consultées ou copiées.
Misconfigured Firebase instances leaked 19 million plaintext passwords
Three cybersecurity researchers discovered close to 19 million plaintext passwords exposed on the public internet by misconfigured instances of Firebase, a Google platform for hosting databases, cloud computing, and app development.