Russia-linked 'Lumma' crypto stealer now targets Python devs
Sonatype's automated malware detection systems identified a malicious PyPI package called crytic-compilers, connected to Russia-linked Lumma Windows stealer, and named very closely after a well-known legitimate Python library that is used by cryptocurrency developers.
U.S. Sanctions 3 Cryptocurrency Exchanges for Helping Russia Evade Sanctions
The U.S. Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) sanctioned three cryptocurrency exchanges for offering services used to evade economic restrictions imposed on Russia following its invasion of Ukraine in early 2022. This includes Bitpapa IC FZC LLC, Crypto Explorer DMCC (AWEX), and Obshchestvo S Ogranichennoy Otvetstvennostyu Tsentr Obrabotki Elektronnykh Platezhey (TOEP).
Netgear, Hyundai latest X accounts hacked to push crypto drainers
The official Netgear and Hyundai MEA Twitter/X accounts (together with over 160,000 followers) are the latest hijacked to push scams designed to infect potential victims with cryptocurrency wallet drainer malware.
New macOS 'KandyKorn' malware targets cryptocurrency engineers
A new macOS malware dubbed 'KandyKorn' has been spotted in a campaign attributed to the North Korean Lazarus hacking group, targeting blockchain engineers of a cryptocurrency exchange platform. The attackers impersonate members of the cryptocurrency community on Discord channels to spread Python-based modules that trigger a multi-stage KandyKorn infection chain. Elastic Security discovered and attributed the attacks to Lazarus based on overlaps with past campaigns concerning the employed techniques, network infrastructure, code-signing certificates, and custom Lazarus detection rules.
2023 Crypto Crime Trends: Illicit Cryptocurrency Volumes Reach All-Time Highs Amid Surge in Sanctions Designations and Hacking
Every year, we publish our estimates of illicit cryptocurrency activity to demonstrate the power of blockchains’ transparency – these kinds of estimates aren’t possible in traditional finance – and to teach investigators and compliance professionals about the latest trends in cryptocurrency-related crime that they need to know about. What could those estimates look like in a year like 2022? Last year was one of the most tumultuous in cryptocurrency history, with several large firms imploding, including Celsius, Three Arrows Capital, FTX, and others — some amid allegations of fraud.