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MITRE Announces AI Incident Sharing Project
MITRE Announces AI Incident Sharing Project
MITRE’s AI Incident Sharing initiative helps organizations receive and hand out data on real-world AI incidents. Non-profit technology and R&D company MITRE has introduced a new mechanism that enables organizations to share intelligence on real-world AI-related incidents. Shaped in collaboration with over 15 companies, the new AI Incident Sharing initiative aims to increase community knowledge of threats and defenses involving AI-enabled systems.
MITRE Announces AI Incident Sharing Project
Google launches AI Cyber Defense Initiative to improve security infrastructure
Google launches AI Cyber Defense Initiative to improve security infrastructure
Today, many seasoned security professionals will tell you they’ve been fighting a constant battle against cybercriminals and state-sponsored attackers. They will also tell you that any clear-eyed assessment shows that most of the patches, preventative measures and public awareness campaigns can only succeed at mitigating yesterday’s threats — not the threats waiting in the wings. That could be changing. As the world focuses on the potential of AI — and governments and industry work on a regulatory approach to ensure AI is safe and secure — we believe that AI represents an inflection point for digital security. We’re not alone. More than 40% of people view better security as a top application for AI — and it’s a topic that will be front and center at the Munich Security Conference this weekend.
Google launches AI Cyber Defense Initiative to improve security infrastructure
New ‘Magic’ Gmail Security Uses AI And Is Here Now, Google Says
New ‘Magic’ Gmail Security Uses AI And Is Here Now, Google Says
Google has confirmed a new security scheme which, it says, will help “secure, empower and advance our collective digital future” using AI. Part of this AI Cyber Defence Initiative includes open-sourcing the new, AI-powered, Magika tool that is already being used to help protect Gmail users from potentially problematic content.
New ‘Magic’ Gmail Security Uses AI And Is Here Now, Google Says