SparkCat crypto stealer in Google Play and App Store
Kaspersky experts discover iOS and Android apps infected with the SparkCat crypto stealer in Google Play and the App Store. It steals crypto wallet data using an OCR model.
Leaked LockBit builder in a real-life incident response case | Securelist
Kaspersky researchers revisit the leaked LockBit 3.0 builder and share insights into a real-life incident involving a custom targeted ransomware variant created with this builder.
Nobody would even suspect the mining malware was merely a mask, masquerading behind an intricate modular framework that supports both Linux and Windows. The amount of effort that went into creating the framework is truly remarkable, and its disclosure was quite astonishing.
DNS changer in malicious mobile app used by Roaming Mantis
Roaming Mantis (a.k.a Shaoye) is a long-term cyberattack campaign that uses malicious Android package (APK) files to control infected Android devices and steal data. In 2022, we observed a DNS changer function implemented in its Android malware Wroba.o.
Stolen certificates in two waves of ransomware and wiper attacks | Securelist
In this report, we compare the ROADSWEEP ransomware and ZEROCLEARE wiper versions used in two waves of attacks against Albanian government organizations.
The hateful eight: Kaspersky’s guide to modern ransomware groups’ TTPs
We want to familiarize the reader with the different stages of ransomware deployment and provide a visual guide to defending against targeted ransomware attacks.
DNS changer in malicious mobile app used by Roaming Mantis
Roaming Mantis (a.k.a Shaoye) is a long-term cyberattack campaign that uses malicious Android package (APK) files to control infected Android devices and steal data. In 2022, we observed a DNS changer function implemented in its Android malware Wroba.o.
Stolen certificates in two waves of ransomware and wiper attacks | Securelist
In this report, we compare the ROADSWEEP ransomware and ZEROCLEARE wiper versions used in two waves of attacks against Albanian government organizations.
The hateful eight: Kaspersky’s guide to modern ransomware groups’ TTPs
We want to familiarize the reader with the different stages of ransomware deployment and provide a visual guide to defending against targeted ransomware attacks.
The hateful eight: Kaspersky’s guide to modern ransomware groups’ TTPs
We want to familiarize the reader with the different stages of ransomware deployment and provide a visual guide to defending against targeted ransomware attacks.