MERCURY and DEV-1084: Destructive attack on hybrid environment - Microsoft Security BlogMicrosoft detected a unique operation where threat actors carried out destructive actions in both on-premises and cloud environments.#microsoft#EN#2023#MERCURY#DEV-1084#analysis#cloud#hybrid#environment#Iran#TTPs#operation··Apr 10, 2023MERCURY and DEV-1084: Destructive attack on hybrid environment - Microsoft Security Blog
Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz - Counter-intelligence - Joint Cyber Security AdvisoryWarning on KIMSUKY Cyber Actor's Recent Cyber Campaigns against Google's Browser and App Store Services#verfassungsschutz#EN#2023#KIMSUKY#Warning#official#NorthKorea#Germany#Google#TTPs#app··Mar 25, 2023Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz - Counter-intelligence - Joint Cyber Security Advisory
Welcome to Goot Camp: Tracking the Evolution of GOOTLOADER OperationsWe have been seeing notable changes to TTPs used in GOOTLOADER operations since 2022.#mandiant#EN#2023#GOOTLOADER#2022#TTPs#Operations··Jan 31, 2023Welcome to Goot Camp: Tracking the Evolution of GOOTLOADER Operations
MERCURY and DEV-1084: Destructive attack on hybrid environment - Microsoft Security BlogMicrosoft detected a unique operation where threat actors carried out destructive actions in both on-premises and cloud environments.#microsoft#EN#2023#MERCURY#DEV-1084#analysis#cloud#hybrid#environment#Iran#TTPs#operation··Apr 10, 2023MERCURY and DEV-1084: Destructive attack on hybrid environment - Microsoft Security Blog
Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz - Counter-intelligence - Joint Cyber Security AdvisoryWarning on KIMSUKY Cyber Actor's Recent Cyber Campaigns against Google's Browser and App Store Services#verfassungsschutz#EN#2023#KIMSUKY#Warning#official#NorthKorea#Germany#Google#TTPs#app··Mar 25, 2023Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz - Counter-intelligence - Joint Cyber Security Advisory
Welcome to Goot Camp: Tracking the Evolution of GOOTLOADER OperationsWe have been seeing notable changes to TTPs used in GOOTLOADER operations since 2022.#mandiant#EN#2023#GOOTLOADER#2022#TTPs#Operations··Jan 31, 2023Welcome to Goot Camp: Tracking the Evolution of GOOTLOADER Operations