Hackers targeted Android users by exploiting zero-day bug in Qualcomm chipsEXC: Security researchers at Google and Amnesty International discovered hackers exploiting the bug in an active hacking campaign.#techcrunch#EN#2024#Android#Qualcomm#Zero-Day#CVE-2024-43047·techcrunch.com·Oct 9, 2024Hackers targeted Android users by exploiting zero-day bug in Qualcomm chips
Google fixes Android kernel zero-day exploited in targeted attacksAndroid security updates this month patch 46 vulnerabilities, including a high-severity remote code execution (RCE) exploited in targeted attacks.#bleepingcomputer#EN#2024#Android#Google#Kernel#Zero-Day#CVE-2024-36971·bleepingcomputer.com·Aug 6, 2024Google fixes Android kernel zero-day exploited in targeted attacks
Telegram zero-day allowed sending malicious Android APKs as videosA Telegram for Android zero-day vulnerability dubbed 'EvilVideo' allowed attackers to send malicious Android APK payloads disguised as video files.#bleepingcomputer#EN#2024#0-day#Computer#APK#EvilVideo#Telegram#Mobile#Zero-Day#InfoSec#Android#Vulnerability·bleepingcomputer.com·Jul 23, 2024Telegram zero-day allowed sending malicious Android APKs as videos
Google fixes two Pixel zero-day flaws exploited by forensics firmsGoogle has fixed two Google Pixel zero-days exploited by forensic firms to unlock phones without a PIN and gain access to the data stored within them.#bleepingcomputer#EN#2024#Android#Forensics#Google#Google-Pixel#Mobile#Pixel#Vulnerability#Zero-Day#GrapheneOS·bleepingcomputer.com·Apr 3, 2024Google fixes two Pixel zero-day flaws exploited by forensics firms