Hacker free-for-all fights for control of home and office routers everywhereHow and why nation-state hackers and cybercriminals coexist in the same router botnet.#arstechnica#EN#2024#SOHO#routers#home#IoT#APT#PawnStorm#MooBot·arstechnica.com·May 3, 2024Hacker free-for-all fights for control of home and office routers everywhere
Thousands of routers and cameras vulnerable to new 0-day attacks by hostile botnet | Ars TechnicaInternet scans show 7,000 devices may be vulnerable. The true number could be higher.#arstechnica#EN#2023#0-day#routers#cameras#mirai·arstechnica.com·Nov 24, 2023Thousands of routers and cameras vulnerable to new 0-day attacks by hostile botnet | Ars Technica