Widespread Cloud Exposure: Extortion Campaign Used Exposed AWS ENV Files To Target 110,000 DomainsA cloud extortion campaign exploited misconfigured AWS .env files to target 110,000 domains, stealing credentials and ransoming cloud storage data.#cyble#EN#2024#Cloud#Exposure#env#.env#AWS#extortion·cyble.com·Aug 21, 2024Widespread Cloud Exposure: Extortion Campaign Used Exposed AWS ENV Files To Target 110,000 Domains
Leaked Environment Variables Allow Large-Scale Extortion Operation of Cloud EnvironmentsWe recount an extensive cloud extortion campaign leveraging exposed .env files of at least 110k domains to compromise organizations' AWS environments.#unit42#EN#2024#Leaked#Environment#Variables#cloud#aws#extortion·unit42.paloaltonetworks.com·Aug 15, 2024Leaked Environment Variables Allow Large-Scale Extortion Operation of Cloud Environments