Apple and the satellite-based broadband service Starlink each recently took steps to address new research into the potential security and privacy implications of how their services geo-locate devices. Researchers from the University of Maryland say they relied on publicly available…
Google Reaches $391.5 Million Settlement With States Over Location Tracking Practices
Attorneys general found that Google violated state consumer protection laws by misleading consumers about its location-data practices, tracking consumers even when their location history setting was turned off.
Turning Your Computer Into a GPS Tracker With Apple Maps
One of the things Apple cares about in terms of its bug bounty program is your location data. Apple rightly categorizes real-time or historical precise location data as "sensitive data" which in some cases qualifies for a significant monetary award.
Outing German spy agencies by mailing them Airtags (Pluralistic: 15 Feb 2022)
Apple's Airtags are an ingenious technology: they fuse every Ios device into a sensor grid that logs the location of each tag, using clever cryptography to prevent anyone but the tag's owner from pulling that information out of the system. But there are significant problems with Airtags' privacy model. Some of these are unique to Apple, others are shared by all Bluetooth location systems, including Covid exposure-notification apps and Airtag rivals like Tile.
Google Reaches $391.5 Million Settlement With States Over Location Tracking Practices
Attorneys general found that Google violated state consumer protection laws by misleading consumers about its location-data practices, tracking consumers even when their location history setting was turned off.
Turning Your Computer Into a GPS Tracker With Apple Maps
One of the things Apple cares about in terms of its bug bounty program is your location data. Apple rightly categorizes real-time or historical precise location data as "sensitive data" which in some cases qualifies for a significant monetary award.
Outing German spy agencies by mailing them Airtags (Pluralistic: 15 Feb 2022)
Apple's Airtags are an ingenious technology: they fuse every Ios device into a sensor grid that logs the location of each tag, using clever cryptography to prevent anyone but the tag's owner from pulling that information out of the system. But there are significant problems with Airtags' privacy model. Some of these are unique to Apple, others are shared by all Bluetooth location systems, including Covid exposure-notification apps and Airtag rivals like Tile.
Outing German spy agencies by mailing them Airtags (Pluralistic: 15 Feb 2022)
Apple's Airtags are an ingenious technology: they fuse every Ios device into a sensor grid that logs the location of each tag, using clever cryptography to prevent anyone but the tag's owner from pulling that information out of the system. But there are significant problems with Airtags' privacy model. Some of these are unique to Apple, others are shared by all Bluetooth location systems, including Covid exposure-notification apps and Airtag rivals like Tile.