Imperva Uncovers CVE-2023-22524, A RCE VulnerabilityLearn about a RCE vulnerability, discovered by the Imperva Red Team, identified as CVE-2023-22524, in Atlassian Companion for macOS.#imperva#EN#2023#RCE#vulnerability#CVE-2023-22524#Atlassian#macOS··Dec 16, 2023Imperva Uncovers CVE-2023-22524, A RCE Vulnerability
Atlassian Releases Critical Software Fixes to Prevent Remote Code ExecutionAtlassian has released software fixes to address four critical flaws in its software that could lead to remote code execution.#thehackernews#EN#2023#Atlassian#RCE#flaws#Jira#Confluence··Dec 6, 2023Atlassian Releases Critical Software Fixes to Prevent Remote Code Execution