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Banshee: The Stealer That "Stole Code" From MacOS XProtect
Banshee: The Stealer That "Stole Code" From MacOS XProtect
Since September, Check Point Research has been monitoring a new version of the Banshee macOS stealer, a malware linked to Russian-speaking cyber criminals targeting macOS users. This new version had been undetected for over two months until the original version of Banshee Stealer was leaked on XSS forums, which resembled similarities with the malware’s core functionality. One notable difference between the leaked source code and the version discovered by Check Point Research is the use of a string encryption algorithm. This algorithm is the same as Apple uses in its Xprotect antivirus engine for MacOS. One method of distributing Banshee Stealer involved malicious GitHub repositories, targeting Windows users with Lumma Stealer and macOS users with Banshee Stealer. Banshee operated as a ‘stealer-as-a-service’, priced at $3,000, and was advertised through Telegram and forums such as XSS and Exploit. On November 23, 2024, the malware’s source code was leaked, leading the author to shut down the operations the following day. Despite shutting down the operation, threat actors continue to distribute the new version of Banshee via phishing websites.
Banshee: The Stealer That "Stole Code" From MacOS XProtect
Rhadamanthys v0.5.0 - a deep dive into the stealer’s components
Rhadamanthys v0.5.0 - a deep dive into the stealer’s components
  • The Rhadamanthys stealer is a multi-layer malware, sold on the black market, and frequently updated. Recently the author released a new major version, 0.5.0. In the new version, the malware expands its stealing capabilities and also introduces some general-purpose spying functions. A new plugin system makes the malware expandable for specific distributor needs. The custom executable formats, used for modules, are unchanged since our last publication (XS1 and XS2 formats are still in distribution). Check Point Research (CPR) provides a comprehensive review of the agent modules, presenting their capabilities and implementation, with a focus on how the stealer components are loaded and how they work.
Rhadamanthys v0.5.0 - a deep dive into the stealer’s components