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Government and university websites targeted in ScriptAPI[.]dev client-side attack - c/side
Government and university websites targeted in ScriptAPI[.]dev client-side attack - c/side
Yesterday we discovered another client-side JavaScript attack targeting +500 websites, including governments and universities. The injected scripts create hidden links in the Document Object Model (DOM), pointing to external websites, a programming interface for web documents.
Government and university websites targeted in ScriptAPI[.]dev client-side attack - c/side
PindOS: New JavaScript Dropper Delivering Bumblebee and IcedID
PindOS: New JavaScript Dropper Delivering Bumblebee and IcedID
Deep Instinct’s Threat Research Lab recently noticed a new strain of a JavaScript-based dropper that is delivering Bumblebee and IcedID. The dropper contains comments in Russian and employs the unique user-agent string “PindOS”, which may be a reference to current (and past) anti-American sentiment in Russia. Bumblebee is a malware loader first discovered in March 2022. It was associated with Conti group and was being used as a replacement for BazarLoader. It acts as a primary vector for multiple types of other malware, including ransomware. IcedID is a modular banking malware designed to steal financial information. It has been seen in the wild since at least 2017 and has recently been observed shifting some of its focus to malware delivery.
PindOS: New JavaScript Dropper Delivering Bumblebee and IcedID
Exploit available for critical bug in VM2 JavaScript sandbox library
Exploit available for critical bug in VM2 JavaScript sandbox library
Proof-of-concept exploit code has been released for a recently disclosed critical vulnerability in the popular VM2 library, a JavaScript sandbox that is used by multiple software to run code securely in a virtualized environment.
Exploit available for critical bug in VM2 JavaScript sandbox library
Exploitation is a Dish Best Served Cold: Winter Vivern Uses Known Zimbra Vulnerability to Target Webmail Portals of NATO-Aligned Governments in Europe
Exploitation is a Dish Best Served Cold: Winter Vivern Uses Known Zimbra Vulnerability to Target Webmail Portals of NATO-Aligned Governments in Europe
  • Proofpoint has observed recent espionage-related activity by TA473, including yet to be reported instances of TA473 targeting US elected officials and staffers. TA473 is a newly minted Proofpoint threat actor that aligns with public reporting on Winter Vivern. * TA473 since at least February 2023 has continuously leveraged an unpatched Zimbra vulnerability in publicly facing webmail portals that allows them to gain access to the email mailboxes of government entities in Europe. * TA473 recons and reverse engineers bespoke JavaScript payloads designed for each government targets’ webmail portal. * Proofpoint concurs with Sentinel One analysis that TA473 targeting superficially aligns with the support of Russian and/or Belarussian geopolitical goals as they pertain to the Russia-Ukraine War.
Exploitation is a Dish Best Served Cold: Winter Vivern Uses Known Zimbra Vulnerability to Target Webmail Portals of NATO-Aligned Governments in Europe
Reversing Emotet Dropping Javascript
Reversing Emotet Dropping Javascript
Recently (On March 18 2023 at 23:44), a new malspam campaign has been observed in the wild ( HERE ), which caused a significant amount of concern. This campaign is designed to distribute malicious emails, which contain a harmful payload that can infect a user’s system, steal sensitive information, or launch other types of attacks.
Reversing Emotet Dropping Javascript
Exploit available for critical bug in VM2 JavaScript sandbox library
Exploit available for critical bug in VM2 JavaScript sandbox library
Proof-of-concept exploit code has been released for a recently disclosed critical vulnerability in the popular VM2 library, a JavaScript sandbox that is used by multiple software to run code securely in a virtualized environment.
Exploit available for critical bug in VM2 JavaScript sandbox library
Exploitation is a Dish Best Served Cold: Winter Vivern Uses Known Zimbra Vulnerability to Target Webmail Portals of NATO-Aligned Governments in Europe
Exploitation is a Dish Best Served Cold: Winter Vivern Uses Known Zimbra Vulnerability to Target Webmail Portals of NATO-Aligned Governments in Europe
* Proofpoint has observed recent espionage-related activity by TA473, including yet to be reported instances of TA473 targeting US elected officials and staffers. TA473 is a newly minted Proofpoint threat actor that aligns with public reporting on Winter Vivern. * TA473 since at least February 2023 has continuously leveraged an unpatched Zimbra vulnerability in publicly facing webmail portals that allows them to gain access to the email mailboxes of government entities in Europe. * TA473 recons and reverse engineers bespoke JavaScript payloads designed for each government targets’ webmail portal. * Proofpoint concurs with Sentinel One analysis that TA473 targeting superficially aligns with the support of Russian and/or Belarussian geopolitical goals as they pertain to the Russia-Ukraine War.
Exploitation is a Dish Best Served Cold: Winter Vivern Uses Known Zimbra Vulnerability to Target Webmail Portals of NATO-Aligned Governments in Europe
Reversing Emotet Dropping Javascript
Reversing Emotet Dropping Javascript
Recently (On March 18 2023 at 23:44), a new malspam campaign has been observed in the wild ( HERE ), which caused a significant amount of concern. This campaign is designed to distribute malicious emails, which contain a harmful payload that can infect a user’s system, steal sensitive information, or launch other types of attacks.
Reversing Emotet Dropping Javascript