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Comment une nébuleuse, "The Comm", a engendré l’un des gangs les plus craints du moment, Scattered Spider
Comment une nébuleuse, "The Comm", a engendré l’un des gangs les plus craints du moment, Scattered Spider
Enfin une bonne nouvelle à propos de Scattered Spider, ce gang de cybercriminels actif depuis le printemps 2022 ? La presse espagnole vient d’annoncer l’arrestation d’un Anglais présenté comme l’un des leaders de ce groupe informel de pirates informatiques. Le jeune homme de 22 ans s'apprêtait à s’envoler vers l’Italie quand il a été arrêté à Palma de Majorque, dans l’archipel des Baléares.
Comment une nébuleuse, "The Comm", a engendré l’un des gangs les plus craints du moment, Scattered Spider
Apple and Meta Gave User Data to Hackers Who Used Forged Legal Requests
Apple and Meta Gave User Data to Hackers Who Used Forged Legal Requests
Apple Inc. and Meta Platforms Inc., the parent company of Facebook, provided customer data to hackers who masqueraded as law enforcement officials, according to three people with knowledge of the matter. Apple and Meta provided basic subscriber details, such as a customer’s address, phone number and IP address, in mid-2021 in response to the forged “emergency data requests.” Normally, such requests are only provided with a search warrant or subpoena signed by a judge, according to the people. However, the emergency requests don’t require a court order.
Apple and Meta Gave User Data to Hackers Who Used Forged Legal Requests
Apple and Meta Gave User Data to Hackers Who Used Forged Legal Requests
Apple and Meta Gave User Data to Hackers Who Used Forged Legal Requests
Apple Inc. and Meta Platforms Inc., the parent company of Facebook, provided customer data to hackers who masqueraded as law enforcement officials, according to three people with knowledge of the matter. Apple and Meta provided basic subscriber details, such as a customer’s address, phone number and IP address, in mid-2021 in response to the forged “emergency data requests.” Normally, such requests are only provided with a search warrant or subpoena signed by a judge, according to the people. However, the emergency requests don’t require a court order.
Apple and Meta Gave User Data to Hackers Who Used Forged Legal Requests
Apple and Meta Gave User Data to Hackers Who Used Forged Legal Requests
Apple and Meta Gave User Data to Hackers Who Used Forged Legal Requests
Apple Inc. and Meta Platforms Inc., the parent company of Facebook, provided customer data to hackers who masqueraded as law enforcement officials, according to three people with knowledge of the matter. Apple and Meta provided basic subscriber details, such as a customer’s address, phone number and IP address, in mid-2021 in response to the forged “emergency data requests.” Normally, such requests are only provided with a search warrant or subpoena signed by a judge, according to the people. However, the emergency requests don’t require a court order.
Apple and Meta Gave User Data to Hackers Who Used Forged Legal Requests
Apple and Meta Gave User Data to Hackers Who Used Forged Legal Requests
Apple and Meta Gave User Data to Hackers Who Used Forged Legal Requests
Apple Inc. and Meta Platforms Inc., the parent company of Facebook, provided customer data to hackers who masqueraded as law enforcement officials, according to three people with knowledge of the matter. Apple and Meta provided basic subscriber details, such as a customer’s address, phone number and IP address, in mid-2021 in response to the forged “emergency data requests.” Normally, such requests are only provided with a search warrant or subpoena signed by a judge, according to the people. However, the emergency requests don’t require a court order.
Apple and Meta Gave User Data to Hackers Who Used Forged Legal Requests
Apple and Meta Gave User Data to Hackers Who Used Forged Legal Requests
Apple and Meta Gave User Data to Hackers Who Used Forged Legal Requests
Apple Inc. and Meta Platforms Inc., the parent company of Facebook, provided customer data to hackers who masqueraded as law enforcement officials, according to three people with knowledge of the matter. Apple and Meta provided basic subscriber details, such as a customer’s address, phone number and IP address, in mid-2021 in response to the forged “emergency data requests.” Normally, such requests are only provided with a search warrant or subpoena signed by a judge, according to the people. However, the emergency requests don’t require a court order.
Apple and Meta Gave User Data to Hackers Who Used Forged Legal Requests