EDR as an Offensive ToolLearn how SafeBreach developed malware integrated within Palo Alto Networks Cortex XDR, exploiting its ransomware protection feature.#safebreach#EDR#2024#malware#integrated#XDR#Paloalto#Cortex·safebreach.com·Jul 9, 2024EDR as an Offensive Tool
Deactivating Cortex XDR via repair functionIt is trivially possible to disable the Cortex EDR as a non-admin user by triggering a repair function. This is only working, if the Tamper Protection is not enforced! TL;DR; Trigger the repair via GUID Disrupt it when EDR is deactivated Done#badoption#EN#2024#Cortex#EDR#non-admin#installer#repair#Paloalto·badoption.eu·Mar 26, 2024Deactivating Cortex XDR via repair function