Simple Mail Transfer Pirates: How threat actors are abusing third-party infrastructure to send spam
Many spammers have elected to attack web pages and mail servers of legitimate organizations, so they may use these “pirated” resources to send unsolicited email.
Google is apparently struggling to contain a spam attack that's been ongoing for days. Google’s search results have been hit by a spam attack for the past few days in what can only be described as completely out of control. Many domains are ranking for hundreds of thousands of keywords each, an indication that the scale of this attack could easily reach into the millions of keyword phrases.
Android Kitchen Sink: Send BLE spam to iOS, Android and Windows at once using Android app - Mobile Hacker
The Kitchen Sink is a name of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) attack that sends random advertisement packets that targets iOS, Android, and Windows devices the same time in the vicinity. The attack is called “Kitchen Sink” because it tries to send every possible packet in the list, similar to the phrase “everything but the kitchen
One of the most expensive aspects of any cybercriminal operation is the time and effort it takes to create large numbers of new throwaway email accounts. Now a new service offers to help dramatically cut costs associated with large-scale spam…
Who Broke NPM?: Malicious Packages Flood Leading to Denial of Service
We’ve seen spam campaigns in the open-source ecosystems in the past year, but this month was by far the worst one we’ve seen yet. Apparently, attackers found the unvetted open-source ecosystems as an…
Trustwave SpiderLabs’ spam traps have identified an increase in threats packaged in password-protected archives with about 96% of these being spammed by the Emotet Botnet. In the first half of 2022, we identified password-protected ZIP files as the third most popular archive format used by cybercriminals to conceal malware.
From RM3 to LDR4: URSNIF Leaves Banking Fraud Behind
A new variant of the URSNIF malware, first observed in June 2022, marks an important milestone for the tool. Unlike previous iterations of URSNIF, this new variant, dubbed LDR4, is not a banker, but a generic backdoor (similar to the short-lived SAIGON variant), which may have been purposely built to enable operations like ransomware and data theft extortion. This is a significant shift from the malware’s original purpose to enable banking fraud, but is consistent with the broader threat landscape.
Malicious OAuth applications abuse cloud email services to spread spam
Microsoft discovered an attack where attackers installed a malicious OAuth application in compromised tenants and used their Exchange Online service to launch spam runs.
Who Broke NPM?: Malicious Packages Flood Leading to Denial of Service
We’ve seen spam campaigns in the open-source ecosystems in the past year, but this month was by far the worst one we’ve seen yet. Apparently, attackers found the unvetted open-source ecosystems as an…
Trustwave SpiderLabs’ spam traps have identified an increase in threats packaged in password-protected archives with about 96% of these being spammed by the Emotet Botnet. In the first half of 2022, we identified password-protected ZIP files as the third most popular archive format used by cybercriminals to conceal malware.
From RM3 to LDR4: URSNIF Leaves Banking Fraud Behind
A new variant of the URSNIF malware, first observed in June 2022, marks an important milestone for the tool. Unlike previous iterations of URSNIF, this new variant, dubbed LDR4, is not a banker, but a generic backdoor (similar to the short-lived SAIGON variant), which may have been purposely built to enable operations like ransomware and data theft extortion. This is a significant shift from the malware’s original purpose to enable banking fraud, but is consistent with the broader threat landscape.
Malicious OAuth applications abuse cloud email services to spread spam
Microsoft discovered an attack where attackers installed a malicious OAuth application in compromised tenants and used their Exchange Online service to launch spam runs.