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Cyber Threats affecting "International Geneva"
Cyber Threats affecting "International Geneva"
In the heart of International Geneva, a diverse ecosystem thrives, housing 38 international organizations (IOs), 432 non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and several hundred associations active at an international level, all united by a shared mission: to make the world a place of peace and justice. NGOs are the unsung heroes, addressing armed conflicts, natural disasters, and humanitarian crises, championing human rights, and advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Like many other organizations, NGOs heavily rely on technology, which is critical for projecting their activities globally in real time. Yet, in today’s digital landscape, this reality brings its own set of challenges.
Cyber Threats affecting "International Geneva"
Ghost in the network
Ghost in the network
Our investigation shows how Fink has built a surveillance apparatus that he has put at the disposal of governments and companies around the world – including Israel’s Rayzone Group, a top-tier cyber intelligence company. Fink’s set-up is capable of exploiting loopholes in mobile phone connection protocols to track the location of phone users and even redirect their SMS messages to crack internet accounts.
Ghost in the network