Telegram Changes Policy, Says It Will Provide User Data to Authorities
In an update to its privacy policy, Telegram says it will now share IP addresses and phone numbers to authorities in response to valid orders. The change is a dramatic switch for the social network app, which has become a hotbed for criminals.
Ukraine bans official use of Telegram app over fears of Russian spying
Restrictions apply only to official devices, not personal phones Telegram heavily used in Ukraine and Russia since 2022 invasion Budanov: Issue of Telegram is a matter of national security
In Wake of Durov Arrest, Some Cybercriminals Ditch Telegram
Hackers, fraudsters, and drug dealers are all leaving the platform in one way or another. Some are worried that Telegram may start providing user data to the authorities.
The arrest of Telegram’s chief executive in France has ignited a debate about moderation on his app. About nine months ago while researching a story, I found myself added to a large Telegram channel which was focused on selling drugs. I was then added to one about hacking and then one about stolen credit cards. I realised my Telegram settings had made it possible for people to add me to their channels without me doing anything. I kept the settings the same to see what would happen.
Behind the arrest of Telegram boss, a small Paris cybercrime unit with big ambitions
Durov's arrest marks a shift in dealing with tech chiefs Brousse's unit goes after its biggest ever target Legal experts question the prosecution's argument The investigation into Telegram boss Pavel Durov that has fired a warning shot to global tech titans was started by a small cybercrime unit within the Paris prosecutor's office, led by 38-year-old Johanna Brousse. The arrest of Durov, 39, last Saturday marks a significant shift in how some global authorities may seek to deal with tech chiefs reluctant to police illegal content on their platforms. The arrest signalled the mettle of the J3 cybercrime unit, but the true test of its ambitions will be whether Brousse can secure a conviction based on a largely untested legal argument, lawyers said.
Telegram is vital to hacktivist groups and their operations. They would have limited platforms to operate on without Telegram, they try X but are often shut-down and they would likely get drowned out if they tried to operate on underground forums.
Threat Actors Retaliate After Durov’s Arrest Discover the latest security threats and database leaks, including unauthorized VPN access and email breaches, in the cyber underground world.Stay informed about emerging cyber threats, such as unauthorized access to databases and sensitive information leaks, affecting global companies and organizations.Learn about the latest cyber incidents, including DDoS attacks and malware threats targeting cryptocurrency wallets and financial institutions.
Après l’arrestation de Pavel Durov, une vague de cyberattaques cible la France
Ces dernières heures, plusieurs sites français disent avoir été visés par des attaques informatiques. A l’origine de ces actions : des petits groupes de hackeurs qui réclament la libération du patron de Telegram.
Paris court explains why it's arrested Telegram founder, Pavel Durov
When Pavel Durov, founder and CEO of messaging app Telegram, was arrested on August 24, French authorities did not respond to requests for comment. The
Is Telegram really an encrypted messaging app? – A Few Thoughts on Cryptographic Engineering
This blog is reserved for more serious things, and ordinarily I wouldn't spend time on questions like the above. But much as I'd like to spend my time writing about exciting topics, sometimes the world requires a bit of what Brad Delong calls "Intellectual Garbage Pickup," namely: correcting wrong, or mostly-wrong ideas that spread unchecked…
Telegram says CEO has ‘nothing to hide’ after being arrested in France
The messaging app says “it is absurd to claim that a platform or its owner are responsible for abuse of that platform” after CEO Pavel Durov was arrested by French authorities.
Unmasking Styx Stealer: How a Hacker's Slip Led to an Intelligence Treasure Trove - Check Point Research
Check Point Research (CPR) recently uncovered Styx Stealer, a new malware capable of stealing browser data, instant messenger sessions from Telegram and Discord, and cryptocurrency. Even though it only recently appeared, it has already been noticed in attacks, including those targeting our customers. The developer of Styx Stealer was found to be linked to one of Agent Tesla threat actors, Fucosreal, who was involved in a spam campaign also targeting our customers. During the debugging of Styx Stealer, the developer made a fatal error and leaked data from his computer, which allowed CPR to obtain a large amount of intelligence, including the number of clients, profit information, nicknames, phone numbers, and email addresses, as well as similar data about the actor behind the Agent Tesla campaign.
Last week, a security researcher sent me 122GB of data scraped out of thousands of Telegram channels. It contained 1.7k files with 2B lines and 361M unique email addresses of which 151M had never been seen in HIBP before. Alongside those addresses were passwords and, in many cases, the website the data pertains to. I've loaded it into Have I Been Pwned (HIBP) today because there's a huge amount of previously unseen email addresses and based on all the checks I've done, it's legitimate data. That's the high-level overview, now here are the details:
We recently came across a stealer, called Raccoon Stealer, a name given to it by its author. Raccoon Stealer uses the Telegram infrastructure to store and update actual C&C addresses. Raccoon Stealer is a password stealer capable of stealing not just passwords, but various types of data, including: Cookies, saved logins and forms data from […]
We recently came across a stealer, called Raccoon Stealer, a name given to it by its author. Raccoon Stealer uses the Telegram infrastructure to store and update actual C&C addresses. Raccoon Stealer is a password stealer capable of stealing not just passwords, but various types of data, including: Cookies, saved logins and forms data from […]
We recently came across a stealer, called Raccoon Stealer, a name given to it by its author. Raccoon Stealer uses the Telegram infrastructure to store and update actual C&C addresses. Raccoon Stealer is a password stealer capable of stealing not just passwords, but various types of data, including: Cookies, saved logins and forms data from […]
We recently came across a stealer, called Raccoon Stealer, a name given to it by its author. Raccoon Stealer uses the Telegram infrastructure to store and update actual C&C addresses. Raccoon Stealer is a password stealer capable of stealing not just passwords, but various types of data, including: Cookies, saved logins and forms data from […]
Imposer aux messageries de donner leurs clés pour déchiffrer les messages est illégal, estime la CEDH
La Cour européenne des droits de l’homme a donné raison à un utilisateur de l’application Telegram visé par une demande du FSB, le service de sécurité intérieure russe. La décision pourrait avoir un impact sur certaines lois en cours de discussion en Europe.
“Scammers Paradise” Exploring Telegram’s Dark Markets, Breeding Ground for Modern Phishing Operations
Explore the shift in phishing from Dark web to Telegram, where cybercriminals trade tools and data, and uncover Guardio's insights on countering this menace.