Threat Actors Retaliate After Durov’s Arrest Discover the latest security threats and database leaks, including unauthorized VPN access and email breaches, in the cyber underground world.Stay informed about emerging cyber threats, such as unauthorized access to databases and sensitive information leaks, affecting global companies and organizations.Learn about the latest cyber incidents, including DDoS attacks and malware threats targeting cryptocurrency wallets and financial institutions.
Après l’arrestation de Pavel Durov, une vague de cyberattaques cible la France
Ces dernières heures, plusieurs sites français disent avoir été visés par des attaques informatiques. A l’origine de ces actions : des petits groupes de hackeurs qui réclament la libération du patron de Telegram.
Paris court explains why it's arrested Telegram founder, Pavel Durov
When Pavel Durov, founder and CEO of messaging app Telegram, was arrested on August 24, French authorities did not respond to requests for comment. The
Telegram says CEO has ‘nothing to hide’ after being arrested in France
The messaging app says “it is absurd to claim that a platform or its owner are responsible for abuse of that platform” after CEO Pavel Durov was arrested by French authorities.