Ransomware Group Claims Access to SCADA in Confusing UK Water Company HackA ransomware group has hit at least one water company in the United Kingdom, but there is some confusion over whose systems were actually breached.#securityweek#EN#2022#Cl0p#ransomware#SCADA#UK#water-company#HMI#ICS#Thames#South-Staffordshire·securityweek.com·Aug 21, 2022Ransomware Group Claims Access to SCADA in Confusing UK Water Company Hack
Ransomware Group Claims Access to SCADA in Confusing UK Water Company HackA ransomware group has hit at least one water company in the United Kingdom, but there is some confusion over whose systems were actually breached.#securityweek#EN#2022#Cl0p#ransomware#SCADA#UK#water-company#HMI#ICS#Thames#South-Staffordshire·securityweek.com·Aug 21, 2022Ransomware Group Claims Access to SCADA in Confusing UK Water Company Hack
Ransomware Group Claims Access to SCADA in Confusing UK Water Company HackA ransomware group has hit at least one water company in the United Kingdom, but there is some confusion over whose systems were actually breached.#securityweek#EN#2022#Cl0p#ransomware#SCADA#UK#water-company#HMI#ICS#Thames#South-Staffordshire·securityweek.com·Aug 21, 2022Ransomware Group Claims Access to SCADA in Confusing UK Water Company Hack