Obfuscated PowerShell leads to Lumma C2 StealerOntinue Cyber Defenders have observed an uptick in activities related to the LummaC2 infostealer being used as a Malware-as-a-Service.#ontinue#EN#2024#obfuscated#Powershell#analysis#Lumma#LummaC2#Stealer#Malware-as-a-Service·ontinue.com·Sep 7, 2024Obfuscated PowerShell leads to Lumma C2 Stealer
From the Depths: Analyzing the Cthulhu Stealer Malware for macOSCado Security has identified a malware-as-a-service (MaaS) targeting macOS users named “Cthulhu Stealer”.#cadosecurity#EN#2024#Cthulhu-Stealer#macos#analysis#MaaS#malware-as-a-service·cadosecurity.com·Aug 24, 2024From the Depths: Analyzing the Cthulhu Stealer Malware for macOS
Aurora: a rising stealer flying under the radarSince September 2022, Aurora malware is advertised as an infostealer and several traffers teams announced they added it to their malware toolset.#sekoia#2022#EN#infostealer#malware#technical#analysis#IoCs#Malware-as-a-Service·blog.sekoia.io·Nov 21, 2022Aurora: a rising stealer flying under the radar
Aurora: a rising stealer flying under the radarSince September 2022, Aurora malware is advertised as an infostealer and several traffers teams announced they added it to their malware toolset.#sekoia#2022#EN#infostealer#malware#technical#analysis#IoCs#Malware-as-a-Service·blog.sekoia.io·Nov 21, 2022Aurora: a rising stealer flying under the radar