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'Got that boomer!': How cybercriminals steal one-time passcodes for SIM swap attacks and raiding bank accounts | TechCrunch
'Got that boomer!': How cybercriminals steal one-time passcodes for SIM swap attacks and raiding bank accounts | TechCrunch
The incoming phone call flashes on a victim’s phone. It may only last a few seconds, but can end with the victim handing over codes that give cybercriminals the ability to hijack their online accounts or drain their crypto and digital wallets. “This is the PayPal security team here. We’ve detected some unusual activity on your account and are calling you as a precautionary measure,” the caller’s robotic voice says. “Please enter the six-digit security code that we’ve sent to your mobile device.”
'Got that boomer!': How cybercriminals steal one-time passcodes for SIM swap attacks and raiding bank accounts | TechCrunch
DSoS attacks statistics and observations
DSoS attacks statistics and observations
he year 2023 turned out to be quite rich in events and trends in the field of cybersecurity. We witnessed a new term "white noise", the development of artificial intelligence led to increased bot activity, which significantly affected commercial companies. We detected signs of a resurgence in popularity of commercial DDoS attacks. The implementation of "remote office" technologies led to the expansion of communication channels and, as a result, increased intensity of attacks. But first things first. DDoS Attacks by Vectors The fourth quarter of the past year didn't bring any surprises in terms of the distribution of mixed attacks by vectors. UDP flood once again topped the list with a rate of 60.20%. IP flood came in second at 16.86%. Multivector attacks also made it into the top three with 13.36%. Overall, the distribution was as follows: UDP flood - 60.20% SYN flood - 7.26% IP flood - 16.86% Multivector attacks - 13.36%
DSoS attacks statistics and observations
Understanding and Responding to Distributed Denial-Of-Service Attacks
Understanding and Responding to Distributed Denial-Of-Service Attacks
This joint guide, Understanding and Responding to Distributed Denial-Of-Service Attacks, addresses the specific needs and challenges faced by organizations in defending against DDoS attacks. The guidance now includes detailed insight into three different types of DDoS techniques: Volumetric, attacks aiming to consume available bandwidth. Protocol, attacks which exploit vulnerabilities in network protocols. * Application, attacks targeting vulnerabilities in specific applications or running services.
Understanding and Responding to Distributed Denial-Of-Service Attacks
Malicious PyPI Packages Slip WhiteSnake InfoStealer Malware onto Windows Machines
Malicious PyPI Packages Slip WhiteSnake InfoStealer Malware onto Windows Machines
Malicious code hiding in seemingly innocent PyPI packages steals your passwords, crypto & more #attacks #breach #computer #cyber #data #hack #hacker #hacking #how #information #malware #network #news #ransomware #security #software #the #to #today #updates #vulnerability
Malicious PyPI Packages Slip WhiteSnake InfoStealer Malware onto Windows Machines
Amnesty confirms Apple warning: Indian journalists’ iPhones infected with Pegasus spyware
Amnesty confirms Apple warning: Indian journalists’ iPhones infected with Pegasus spyware
Apple's warnings in late October that Indian journalists and opposition figures may have been targeted by state-sponsored attacks prompted a forceful Behind closed doors, senior officials from Modi's administration demanded that Apple soften the political impact of the state-sponsored warnings, according to Washington Post.
Amnesty confirms Apple warning: Indian journalists’ iPhones infected with Pegasus spyware
Star Blizzard increases sophistication and evasion in ongoing attacks
Star Blizzard increases sophistication and evasion in ongoing attacks
Microsoft Threat Intelligence continues to track and disrupt malicious activity attributed to a Russian state-sponsored actor we track as Star Blizzard, who has improved their detection evasion capabilities since 2022 while remaining focused on email credential theft against targets.
Star Blizzard increases sophistication and evasion in ongoing attacks
Russian FSB Cyber Actor Star Blizzard Continues Worldwide Spear-phishing Campaigns | CISA
Russian FSB Cyber Actor Star Blizzard Continues Worldwide Spear-phishing Campaigns | CISA
The Russia-based actor Star Blizzard (formerly known as SEABORGIUM, also known as Callisto Group/TA446/COLDRIVER/TAG-53/BlueCharlie) continues to successfully use spear-phishing attacks against targeted organizations and individuals in the UK, and other geographical areas of interest, for information-gathering activity. The UK National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), the US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the US National Security Agency (NSA), the US Cyber National Mission Force (CNMF), the Australian Signals Directorate’s Australian Cyber Security Centre (ASD’s ACSC), the Canadian Centre for Cyber Security (CCCS), and the New Zealand National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC-NZ) assess that Star Blizzard is almost certainly subordinate to the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) Centre 18.
Russian FSB Cyber Actor Star Blizzard Continues Worldwide Spear-phishing Campaigns | CISA
2023’s ransomware rookies are a remix of Conti and other classics
2023’s ransomware rookies are a remix of Conti and other classics
Ransomware’s business model is a big part of what’s made it such a potent threat for so many years. However, we dug into multi-point ransomware attacks from 2023, and found another factor in ransomware’s staying power: a seemingly endless supply of new cyber crime groups starting ransomware operations.
2023’s ransomware rookies are a remix of Conti and other classics
Microsoft says early June disruptions to Outlook, cloud platform, were cyberattacks
Microsoft says early June disruptions to Outlook, cloud platform, were cyberattacks
Microsoft says the early June disruptions to its Microsoft’s flagship office suite — including the Outlook email apps — were denial-of-service attacks by a shadowy new hacktivist group. In a blog post published Friday evening after The Associated Press sought clarification on the sporadic but serious outages, Microsoft confirmed that that they were DDoS attacks by a group calling itself Anonymous Sudan, which some security researchers believe is Russia-affiliated. The software giant offered few details on the attack. It did not comment on how many customers were affected.
Microsoft says early June disruptions to Outlook, cloud platform, were cyberattacks