Telegram zero-day allowed sending malicious Android APKs as videosA Telegram for Android zero-day vulnerability dubbed 'EvilVideo' allowed attackers to send malicious Android APK payloads disguised as video files.#bleepingcomputer#EN#2024#0-day#Computer#APK#EvilVideo#Telegram#Mobile#Zero-Day#InfoSec#Android#Vulnerability··Jul 23, 2024Telegram zero-day allowed sending malicious Android APKs as videos
Google Chrome emergency update fixes first zero-day of 2023Google has released an emergency Chrome security update to address the first zero-day vulnerability exploited in attacks since the start of the year.#bleepingcomputer#EN#2023#0-day#vulnerability#Emergency-Update#Chrome#Browser#Zero-Day··Apr 16, 2023Google Chrome emergency update fixes first zero-day of 2023